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Recap / Warehouse 13 S 1 E 5 Elements

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The Warehouse team pursues an artifact collector who is trying to gather together sculptures of the four elements, thinking they will enable him to find the secret to obtaining god-like powers.

Tropes that apply to this episode:

  • Fish out of Temporal Water: Claudia, Artie, and the agents may have retrieved Joshua from the Place Beyond Time where he was trapped, but now he's missing over a decade of news and pop culture information with no good explanation for his disappearance.
    Claudia: I didn't spend half my life trying to save your life so you could surf the net and watch YouTube.
    Joshua: Well, excuse me for trying to catch up on current events and the state of the world for the last 12 years... Artie, I'm sorry. But apparently, I have to find a job. Don't know exactly what I'm going to put in that little gap in my resume.
