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Recap / Total Drama: "Sundae Muddy Sundae"

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Chris sends the final five on a quest to get sundaes for his starving interns for the episode's challenge. Courtney creates a chart of who she wants to get rid of in the competition, only for Mal to find that chart, expose it, and ruin Courtney's chances of ever winning the season.


  • Ain't Too Proud to Beg: After losing the challenge and having her scheme revealed to the others by Mal, Courtney resorts to begging Gwen not to vote for her. It doesn't work.
  • Bait-and-Switch: Chris forces the contestants to eat their own sundaes at the very last minute, costing Courtney the competition.
  • Bears Are Bad News: A bear becomes an obstacle for Scott, after all of its fur was burned off by a mutant fire flower and loses some of its ice cream.
  • Blatant Lies: Scott insists that he only screamed at the bear to distract it, not because he was afraid of it.
  • Blowing a Raspberry: Chester and Svetlana get into an argument. Chester wants to take a break and sit down. Svetlana doesn't believe in sitting until after they've defeated Mal. Chester notes that nobody asked her, derogatively calling her "comrade". Svetlana has the last word with a raspberry.
  • Brain Freeze: Gwen gets a brain freeze from eating her sundae during the speed eating part of the challenge. She takes a short break to recover, but loses because of it.
  • Comically Missing the Point: Scott says that he looks nothing like the sketch that Courtney drew of him, stating that his mother keeps saying that he's as handsome as a mule.
  • Continuity Nod:
    • A mutant fire flower appears again after making its last appearance in last season's "The Enchanted Franken-Forest".
    • The Total Drama Machine has been rebuilt and is a hazard that the contestants have to go through in order to get the nuts for the sundae, equipped with a large wooden hammer to pummel the contestants.
    • Courtney's crude drawing of Scott includes rat features. Last season, he was a member of the Toxic Rats.
  • Cool and Unusual Punishment: Vito's chained to a boulder and is forced to put on puppet show with a Mal dummy, which is fine for him because it's something that he wouldn't normally be caught dead doing.
  • Creepy Doll: Mal materializes one for Vito to perform with.
  • Deus ex Machina: Or Diabolus ex Machina, depending on how you feel about Courtney, but a bird vomiting on her sundae is pretty much this, as is came out of nowhere and ruined any chances Courtney had at winning the challenge.
  • Didn't Think This Through: Courtney fails to destroy or hide the chart, and her needlessly crude sketches of her teammates did not help her case when Mal inexplicably pulls it out.
  • Dirty Communists: Chester calls Svetlana a comrade as an insult.
  • Eat Dirt, Cheap: As a substitute for the burned out chocolate sauce that would have been used for the challenge, Scott uses dirt as a topping for his sundae, stating that it would be his choice of topping back home.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: While Chris is perfectly willing to let his interns starve, he isn't willing to feed them bird vomit, as Courtney initially suspected.
  • Freeze-Frame Bonus: At the very beginning of the episode while Mal is ransacking the hotel room, for a brief moment, you can see a golden Chris statuette and a Chris bobblehead amidst the disorder.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Courtney continues to be irritated by how close Gwen and Zoey are getting.
  • "Hell, Yes!" Moment: Except for Courtney, everyone else is thrilled by the Bait-and-Switch since they used ingredients they would like.
  • Humiliation Conga: Mal reveals Courtney's elimination list, causing her to lose her best friend and her boyfriend. She then loses her only opportunity to win the episode's challenge when a bird pukes on her sundae, and to top it all off gets flushed down a giant toilet while having to eat said sundae with tears in her eyes. When she reemerges at a beach, a pair of sharks puke on her when she tries to ward them off with her sundae, leaving her a sobbing mess.
  • Infernal Background: As the demonic Mal dummy rises up to laugh at Mike's efforts to stop him, a close-up with flames in the background and in the dummy's eyes occurs when Mal states that he'll never be defeated.
  • It's Personal: Both Gwen and Scott push themselves to beat Courtney in the challenge. Scott even admits he doesn't care if the others beat him; he just wants Courtney to lose.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: After taking so much heat from Courtney for having betrayed her trust in World Tour, Gwen did not let it slide when Courtney tried to do the same to her here.
  • Mustache Vandalism: Courtney draws herself up a chart on how to deal with the remaining competition she has. She draws Mike and Zoey as is, but with red pen she adds horns, a goatee, and nose hair to Gwen's drawing and a rat's tail to Scott's drawing.
  • Never My Fault: Courtney refuses to take any of the blame for the chart.
  • Oblivious to Their Own Description: In response to how ticked Gwen is at her, Courtney chides how personally she takes things and says this is why she doesn't make many friends.
  • Pop-Culture Pun Episode Title: The title is a play on the song "Sunday Bloody Sunday" by the band U2.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Vito's ventriloquist dummy when Mal takes control of it.
  • Series Continuity Error:
    • Courtney claims that this is the farthest she's ever made it... Seemingly forgetting that she made it to 4th place in Action.
    • Courtney can't digest her disgusting sundae despite the World Tour episode "Chinese Fake-Out" establishing that she has a very strong stomach.
  • "Shaggy Dog" Story: Gwen spending the first half of the season trying to patch things up with Courtney turns out to have been all for nothing.
  • Skewed Priorities: Scott is more offended at Courtney drawing him as a rat in her chart than the chart itself.
  • Spit Take: Mike and his alternate personalities locate Vito in a theater, where he's forced to perform a ventriloquism act with a Mal dummy. As Vito drinks a glass of water, Mike explains that he is needed to help defeat Mal. The dummy answers that's not possible, causing Vito to spit the water right back out because he isn't making the dummy say that. It's Mal who's possessing the dummy.
  • Tranquil Fury: While Gwen doesn’t go on a scream rant at Courtney for betraying their friendship like Courtney did with Gwen, she’s no less angry about it and makes it clear that she will make Courtney pay for her betrayal.
  • Villain Has a Point: Mal pointing out that Courtney brought this situation on herself by making that chart.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: The starving interns never get their sundaes. Knowing Chris, they probably were left to expire. Actually averted, given how the two interns are later seen in the season finale and the following season alive and well.
  • Workplace-Acquired Abilities: Courtney says that she learned a lot from a summer job she had in an ice cream parlor for three weeks. Before getting fired because of her temper.
  • Wrong Genre Savvy: Because of how Courtney's behaving in this episode, Zoey starts to wonder if she's the greater evil that Alejandro was warning them about last time.
  • Yank the Dog's Chain:
    • Scott is pretty much given a free pass to the nuts after suffering a lot in the beginning of the episode, only to get pummeled by the Total Drama Machine soon after receiving said nuts.
    • How Gwen reacts to Courtney's chart. After all the effort she put into apologizing and mending fences, she feels so betrayed by all this.
