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Recap / The Nostalgia Critic S 6 E 12

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Countdown: The Top 11 Dumbest Moments in The Lord of the Rings films

  1. Those Eagles Who Could've Stopped Everything (The Eagles' neglected chance to save the world from the start.)
  2. Sara-who? (Saruman's absence in the theatrical cut of Return of the King.)
  3. The homoerotic undertones of Frodo and Sam's relationship — specifically, according to the Critic, as a detriment to showing their strong friendship.
  4. "Arwen's life is now tied to the fate of the Ring." (The ring's connection to Arwen's fate [and, by extension, her reduced role in the later films].)
  5. "I'm Not Dead!" (Constant death fake outs.)
  6. Denethor (John Noble's over-the-top performance of Denethor, and by extension, his Adaptational Villainy into a not-so sympathetic character.)
  7. Those Close-Up Shots (Pointless wide-angle close-up shots, specifically in the first movie.)
  8. Legolas's Perfect Moments (Legolas's lack of weakness and frequent show-off moments.)
  9. Gimli's Idiot Moments (Gimli's reduction to comic relief.)
  10. The numerous false endings in Return of the King.
  11. Just Letting Gandalf Die (The Fellowship letting Gandalf fall down an abyss in the first film without any real justification.)

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