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Recap / The Loud House S1E20 "Roughin' It / The Waiting Game"

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Roughin' It: Feeling he's lost touch with his manly side from living with lots of girls, Lincoln goes on a camping trip with Clyde.

The Waiting Game: Lincoln helps Lori get a job as a waitress at the local arcade, and he abuses her position to get free stuff and impress cool kid Chandler in hopes of attending his birthday party.

"Roughin' It"

  • Alphabetical Theme Naming: On Dream Boat, the names of the protagonist's love interests all start with B.
  • Bathtub Bonding: Suggested in a flashback where Lincoln and Lori are in their bathrobes in the bathroom testing beauty products. This supposedly happens after the two take a shower together.
  • Bears Are Bad News: Lincoln and Clyde encounter a grizzly bear in its cave.
  • Big Sister Mentor: Lori, Leni, Luna, Lynn, Lucy, Lola and Lisa taught Lincoln things he would later used to survive in wild.
  • Book on the Head: To help him keep his balance when crossing a log bridge, Lincoln remembers back to Lola balancing books on her head as part of her pageant training.
  • Camping Episode: The majority of the episode is this.
  • Chekhov's Skill: Some of the girly advice Lincoln's sisters gave him ends up helping him survive in the wild.
  • Cue the Rain: Happens when Lincoln quips "At least it's not raining", only for him to further tempt fate:
    Lincoln: IS THAT ALL YOU GOT?! (cue mudslide)
  • Faking the Dead: In one of the flashbacks, Lucy does this to avoid Lola’s revenge on her for ruining her pageant gowns.
  • Free-Range Children: Lincoln and Clyde spend two days and one night alone in the woods, without adult supervision, though Clyde’s dads are staying nearby in a B&B.
  • Gasshole: The beans they had for dinner turn both boys into these, and they make no attempt to hold it back.
  • Horrible Camping Trip: The main premise of the episode, what Lincoln and Clyde go through.
  • Inevitable Waterfall: Shows up when Lincoln and Clyde’s mattress ends up in the river. However, both boys are saved when the mattress hits the dam formed by their discarded equipment.
  • Jack of All Stats: Lincoln became one after learning various skills from his sisters.
  • Karma Houdini: Apparently, Lincoln never got in any trouble with his parents for his and Clyde's adventure, despite the fact that both of them disobeyed Howard and Harold's orders to stay in their sight. Then again, he did suffer a harrowing trip through the forest that put him in danger.
  • Oh, Crap!: Lincoln has one when Lori casually mentions he is like “one of the girls”.
  • Playing Possum: Lucy does this to avoid getting attacked by an irate Lola. Inspired by this, Lincoln and Clyde play dead to avoid getting attacked by a grizzly bear.
  • Plot Tailored to the Party: A twist on how this usually happens. The sisters are not present for Lincoln's adventure, but all of their individual neat tips and tricks help Lincoln escape a serious predicament.
  • Scary Stinging Swarm: One of the things happening to Lincoln and Clyde is being attacked by bees.
  • Solar-Powered Magnifying Glass: One of Lincoln's attempts to make a fire involves this, using Clyde's glasses as an improvised magnifying glass.
  • That's No Moon: A Running Gag involves Lincoln and Clyde comment on lying against a "soft rock", only for it to be something dangerous. Subverted the final time, wherein it really was a rock.
  • Waking Up Elsewhere: Lincoln and Clyde wake up to find their mattress floating on a river, thanks to their discarded equipment damming it up.

"The Waiting Game"

  • Accidental Misnaming: Chandler repeatedly calls Lincoln "Larry". Later, Clyde does it as well.
  • Big Bad: Chandler acts as one for this episode for tricking Lincoln and Clyde.
  • Bittersweet Ending: Lincoln ends up missing Chandler's party at the sewage treatment plant to make it up to Lori, and Clyde misses said party because he couldn't go without him, but the two boys can still tread in sewage waste thanks to one of the arcade's toilets backing up.
  • Continuity Nod: Seeing Lori causes Clyde to get a nosebleed again.
  • Happy Dance: Clyde and Lincoln perform one together when they think they finally got invited to Chandler's party.
  • Hazmat Suit: Clyde wears one when he prepares to go to Chandler's party at the sewage treatment plant, as it's the only way his dads will let him go.
  • Jerkass: Chandler and his friends, who exploit Lincoln for free stuff because they know he wants to get into their good graces.
  • Jerkass Realization: When Lori is about to miss her dance because of him, Lincoln begins to realize he's been acting like a greedy, selfish jerk to impress another greedy, selfish jerk.
  • Karma Houdini: Chandler doesn't face any consequences for his selfish behavior.
  • Nepotism: Lincoln abuses Lori's position as a waitress to get him free food and tokens.
  • New Job Episode: Lori lands a new job at Gus's Games and Grub at Lincoln's recommendation. When it seems as though Lori is about to miss her dance because of always asking her for free stuff, Lincoln covers for Lori to make it up to her and misses Chandler's party.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: When Lori can't go to the dance because of Lincoln, she neither cries nor screams at him, but instead takes her situation in resigned acceptance. This alone is enough to make Lincoln realize he screwed up.
  • Out-of-Character Moment: Lori does not react with anger and violence over Lincoln's blowing her chance to go to her dance. She just makes a sad face as she prepares to work overtime at the arcade.
  • Puppy-Dog Eyes: Lincoln does this to convince Lori to give him free garlic knots.
  • Sewer Gator: Mentioned. Lincoln believes the sewage treatment plant has a special room for mutated animals that they find in the sewers.
  • Shout-Out: The title card features Lincoln resembling the Big Boy mascot.
  • Tuckerization: Some of Lincoln's schoolmates resemble, and are named for, some of the show's staff.
  • Uninvited to the Party: The episode focuses on Lincoln and Clyde being uninvited to their classmate Chandler's birthday party and trying to butter him up so he'll invite them.
