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Recap / The Looney Tunes Show S 2 E 12 Dear John

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The twelfth episode of the second season of The Looney Tunes Show.

When Bugs and Lola think they are breaking up with each other, they decide to go their separate ways. Lola joins a monastery and takes a vow of silence, while Bugs buys a boat to sail around the world. Meanwhile, when Daffy learns that Porky is on the City Council, he runs an attack campaign to make Porky look bad so he can get elected. Daffy's plan succeeds, but he soon finds out that being a City Councilman isn't all perks.

This episode features the "Drifting Apart" Merrie Melodies music video.

This episode provides examples of:

  • Apocalypse How: A Class 5 in the "Drifting Apart" Merrie Melodies music video; Mac and Tosh imagine themselves as two pieces of hail falling to the Earth but when they hit they explode into a mushroom cloud. When Mac and Tosh get up, it looks like they're the only living creatures in the local area. But they were hail!
  • Attack of the Political Ad: Daffy uses an ad campaign (paid for by Foghorn Leghorn) to spread lies about Porky (such as Porky polluting) so the people will elect Daffy as the City Councilman.
  • Banana Peel: At the end of the "Drifting Apart" Merrie Melodies music video, Pete Puma slips on one while taking Mac and Tosh to the Michael BublĂ© concert. This results in the gophers being launched into the air and landing on an empty seat.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: Daffy wanted to be a councilman in order to get special perks, only to see how incredibly boring the day-to-day grind is.
  • Break-Up/Make-Up Scenario:
    • In this episode, Bugs and Lola think they're breaking up with each other after they read their "Dear John" letters, which are for a repairman named John to fix the broken microwave, and the insects to stay out of Lola's apartment. They reunite a year later when Lola finds out the truth.
    • A best friends example in the "Drifting Apart" Merrie Melodies music video; Mac and Tosh think they're drifting apart because they know so little about each other and have nothing in common. At the end of the video, when Mac reveals that he has tickets to a Michael BublĂ© concert, Tosh reveals that he has backstage passes to the concert, and that gets the two gophers to realize that they have something in common with each other after all. They also agree to ride a rickshaw (pulled by Pete Puma) to the concert.
  • Brutal Honesty: After the clip of his "The Reason You Suck" Speech goes viral, Daffy hopes to simply resign, but he is instead praised by Speedy and others for telling it like it is rather than being a standard politician and that that's exactly what the people need. It gets to the point where voters were prepared to give him a permanent seat.
  • But for Me, It Was Tuesday: Implied Trope; For many people, the day Daffy "died" is (implied to be) a tragic day because he was a beloved City Council member. For him, it isn't anything special, judging from how apathetic he seems.
  • Comically Missing the Point:
    • When the fire department comes to Bugs' house to help Daffy open a can of tuna, one of the firemen asks Daffy why he called them for that. Daffy tells them that first he called Bugs, then Tina, then Porky, then them.
    • When Lola reunites with Bugs near the end of the episode, Bugs explains to her that his "Dear John" letter wasn't for her, it was for John the repairman. Upon hearing this, Lola asks him why he broke up with the repairman.
  • Continuity Nod: Daffy hopes his City Council meeting doesn't go on too long, as he wants to get home in time for an Off Duty Cop marathon.
  • "Dear John" Letter: Lola learns the concept of a Dear John letter from a movie. Later, Bugs leaves a note to a mechanic named John on his broken microwave, reading "Dear John: This isn't working." Lola sees the note, assumes it's addressed to her (never mind that it doesn't say "Dear Lola", but that's Lola for you) and leaves to a monastery to find inner peace. But before she leaves, she catches a cockroach trying to enter her apartment, so she leaves a note for all bugs to go away. Naturally, Bugs sees a note reading "Dear Bugs, I don't want to ever see you again!" and assumes the worst.
  • Death by Irony: Daffy fakes his death by driving his parade float off a bridge and into a river. Reporting on this supposed death, Elmer says it happened before the city could give Daffy an actual parade.
  • Explain, Explain... Oh, Crap!: When Lola returns to Bugs' house after taking a vow of silence for a year, she finds out from Daffy that he got her "Dear John" letter and sailed to the end of the world. When Lola asks why Bugs would possibly think it was meant for him, she realizes that she wrote "Dear Bugs, I don't ever want to see you again!" to keep the insects out of her apartment.
  • Faking the Dead: When Daffy becomes too popular as a member of the City Council, he discovers the "Prop 14," which is to make Daffy's seat on City Council permanent because of his overwhelming popularity. Unwilling to be in the City Council forever, Daffy decides to fake his own death by driving his parade float off a bridge and into a river.
  • Foreshadowing: In the episode's prologue, Daffy calls the fire department to help him open a can of tuna. Later, when Bugs tries to use the microwave, he finds out it isn't working, and asks Daffy why. Daffy tells him that he tried to use the microwave to open his can of tuna, figuring the top would pop off if the can got hot enough. It is also revealed in this episode that Daffy hopes he doesn't have to stay in his meeting too long, as there's an Off Duty Cop marathon tonight and he can't use the DVR to record it since he broke it trying to open his tuna can.
  • Frivolous Summoning: At the beginning of this episode, Daffy calls the fire department to help him open a can of tuna. When one of the firemen asks Daffy why he did that, Daffy tells him that first he called Bugs, then Tina, then Porky, then them. Later in the episode, Daffy complains about the fire department charging him for coming to his house to Porky, to which Porky tells him that he called 911 four times in the past week, but none of the emergencies were valid. Daffy insists that his emergencies (getting the police to give him a towel, getting the fire department to read him a bedtime story, and getting the paramedics to help him decide whether or not he should wear a scarf) were valid.
  • Funny Background Event: As a depressed Bugs continues to sail on his lonely journey, Lola suddenly appears on a jet ski and tries to get his attention.
  • Hidden Depths: Porky is a City Councilman, and is very knowledgeable on matters of government bureaucracy, civil infrastructure, and political science.
  • Idiot Houdini: Daffy. He spreads lies about Porky to get a seat on the City Council for its perks, gives a rant about how listening to Granny talk for three hours is a waste of time, and is given a permanent seat on the City Council. Daffy fakes his death to get off the City Council, but is never found out for it, even when he's standing right next to his memorial statue in the epilogue.
  • Immediate Self-Contradiction: After Bugs finds out from Daffy that the microwave is broken because Daffy tried to open a can of tuna with it, Bugs tells Daffy he can't put metal in the microwave. Daffy tells Bugs he knows that now and won't forget it, then immediately afterwards, asks Bugs if he can or can't put metal in the microwave.
  • Lampshade Hanging: Porky is at the very end of his third term on the City Council. Daffy asks why he never mentioned this before, to which Porky points out that Daffy either never asks about his personal life, constantly interrupts him, or outright falls asleep during conversations.
  • Living Emotional Crutch: Bugs and Lola serve as this to each other. When they mistakenly believe they're breaking up with each other, they are so distraught that the former decides to travel the world via boating, stating, "There's nothing here for me anymore.", while the latter decides to leave to a Buddhist monastery.
  • Messy Pig; Discussed; when Daffy runs an ad campaign (paid for by Foghorn Leghorn) to spread lies about Porky polluting, the ad says that the reason Porky would do such a thing is because he's a pig and pigs are filthy.
  • Nap-Inducing Speak: When Daffy asks Porky how long he's been on the City Council, Porky tells him that he's about to finish his third term. When Daffy asks Porky why he didn't know it about him before, Porky tells him that he never asked him, interrupted him when he tried to tell him, and on the few occasions where he actually got to tell him something, he fell asleep from boredom. Sure enough, Daffy falls asleep listening to Porky, proving his point.
  • Odd Friendship: Porky drops by the City Council, happily saying he can still watch the proceedings, despite no longer being on the council. Daffy lampshades how they really have nothing in common.
  • "Oh, Crap!" Smile: When Daffy tries to talk his way into a table without a reservation, Tina does this when noticing all the people standing behind her. To her surprise, though, Daffy succeeds.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Daffy gives a huge rant to the City Council after going mad from boredom hearing a three-hour long speech from Granny about the worn paint on her address and then going on to talk about the difference between speed bumps and speed humps.
    City Council Head: Council Member Duck, what are your thoughts on speed bumps versus speed humps?
    Daffy: My thoughts? You want my thoughts, huh? My thoughts is that you people are all insane! You let that old lady talk for three hours, and she never said anything! In the amount of time that took, I could've gone over there and painted her address myself! I COULD'VE PAINTED THE SISTINE CHAPEL! I don't know about you people, but I have better things to do with my time than talk about whether something is conical or ovoid! Ovoid! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have something to get back to, and it's called. A. LIFE!
  • Stylistic Suck: Daffy's attack ad against Porky depicts a picture of Porky's head on a flithy pig's body in a farm drawn crudely in crayon when the announcer says "On election day, let's send this pig back to the farm!"
  • Throw the Dog a Bone: After Daffy fakes his death, Porky gets to fill out his term on the City Council.
  • Time Skip: After Daffy receives praise for his Brutal Honesty, the episode skips ahead a year.
