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Recap / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003 S 2 E 5 TIS Part 5 Triceraton Wars

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In order to escape, the Turtles take the Triceraton Prime Leader, Zanramon, hostage and attempt to build the Fugitoid's teleportal.

This episode provides examples of:

  • Driven to Suicide/ I Cannot Self-Terminate: When the Professor realizes that if his enemies even got hold of him, they'd take his knowledge by force, he takes a blaster and puts it to his head. When the Turtles talk him down, he makes Leo promise to kill him if it ever looks like he'll be captured.
  • Hope Spot: It happens twice. Just when it appears that the Turtles and Professor Honeycutt have escaped, they are confronted by the Triceraton space fleet, then after evading the Triceratons, they are confronted by General Blanque and the Federation armada.
  • I Never Said It Was Poison: When the Federation and the Triceratons begin fighting over the Fugitoid, General Blanque wonders how the Triceratons know that the Fugitoid is Professor Honeycutt, something they shouldn’t know about. Commander Mozar then reveals Lonae's treason to the General.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Not only did Donatello's comment to the Fugitoid that his enemies could simply use a Mind Probe on him to get the teleportal plans make Zanramon realize he should've done that in the first place, but it spurs the Professor to terminate himself in the event he gets captured.
  • Put Down Your Gun and Step Away: Raph orders the Triceratons to do this as they take Zanramon hostage.
  • Rewarded as a Traitor Deserves: General Blanque's aide Lonae, who was leaking information on the Fugitoid for gems, gets what she deserves when Mozar reveals her betrayal to General Blanque, who has her arrested and presumably executed for it.
  • Shout-Out: Mikey makes numerous references to Star Trek: The Original Series and Star Wars.
  • Tempting Fate: The Fugitoid does this, twice...
    Fugitoid: Well gentlemen, it should be fairly smooth sailing from this point. (Triceraton fleet shows up) Later: "Well gentlemen, I'd say the difficult part is over." (Federation fleet shows up)
  • The Asteroid Thicket: The Turtles and The Fugitoid escape in one.
  • We Need a Distraction: Leo tries to buy time for Don and the Professor to complete the teleportal by keeping General Blanque and Mozar talking.
  • Why Didn't I Think of That?: Said by Zanramon when Donatello stupidly makes him realize he didn't need to have the Fugitoid build the teleportal for him.
    Donatello: (To the Professor) What's to stop them from ripping apart your robot body and downloading the data from your brain?
    Zanramon: (Face Palm) Slag! Why didn't I think of that?!
    Mikey: Good one, Don!
    Donatello: (Sheepish) Sorry.
