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Recap / Secret Warriors 5

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Daisy "Quake" Johnson, Kamala "Ms. Marvel" Khan, Dante "Inhuman Torch" Pertuz, and Karnak, search through the rubble of the crashed hellicarrier along with the X-Men who saved them. Nobody can find any trace of Lunella "Moon Girl" Lafayette or Devil Dinosaur, and Johnson says they need to move soon. Khan refuses to leave with Lafayette but Johnson says Lafayette is certainly dead and they can't waste more time. Khan protests that Lafayette was just a little kid, but Johnson blames Khan for bringing Lafayette along in the first place. Khan gets upset that Johnson doesn't care about her teammates but Johnson says that they're not really a team. She calls their group 'a daycare center with an agenda' on account of all the moralistic complaints Khan and Lafayette inflicted upon her, then tells Khan that if she can't deal with people getting killed then she should retire. Karnak interrupts them by finding a box with the still-living Devil Dinosaur inside it. He frees the dinosaur as Khan and Johnson resume their argument, but then the dinosaur draws a picture of a building on the ground and Khan realizes that Lafayette has swapped her mind with the dinosaur's. This means that she's alive and is trying to tell them something. Furthermore, Khan recognizes the building as the palace of New Attilan, the Inhuman nation which was converted into a prison camp by HYDRA.

The group drives a truck big enough to contain Devil Dinosaur for two days and arrives in Newark, just across from New Attilan. Khan complains about Karnak's creepy conversation choices as they steal a boat and cross the river. When they arrive at a cliff leading up to New Attilan, Johnson orders Devil Dinosaur to stay behind using simplistic language, and Pertuz repeats the request in full sentences. Devil Dinosaur stays behind (though Johnson notes this may be because the dinosaur can't climb with his tiny arms). Johnson and Karnak deal with guards while Khan whines that she dislikes sneaking around and Pertuz notes that it's better than getting shot. They then reach the prison itself.

Johnson, Lafayette, and Pertuz into the prison and find both Lafayette and Leer, the Inhuman that Karnak said could help them defeat HYDRA. Leer isn't locked up but Lafayette is in a cage, though she has enough freedom to play Connect Four with Leer. Johnson figures that Leer must be a villain since he's free and prepares to blast him but Lafayette stops her, explaining that she's only imprisoned because she kicked a guard in the crotch and is being punished. She adds further that Hank "Dark Beast" McCoy experimented on Leer and enabled Leer to be able to boost other Inhumans' powers. Johnson is upset that they did loads of work just to find someone who could slightly amplify their powers, and she's even angrier when Leer says the boost is temporary and he can only do it once ever. Khan says they can use Leer's powers to help free the prisoners but Johnson says she doesn't care; all she wants is to kill Steve "Captain America" Rogers in revenge for getting her old team killed by the Wrecking Crew. Khan argues that they have an obligation to help people and Johnson says the best way to do that is to kill Rogers. Then Karnak arrives and Leer calls him his father, which Karnak admits is true.

Johnson fills Karnak in on what happened to Leer, but rather than be horrified that his son was used for experiments, Karnak only cares whether or not the experiments worked. Johnson sardonically notes that Karnak's as bad as her own father Calvin "Mr. Hyde" Johnson. Both Johnson and Khan try to convince Karnak to take their side as to whether to free the prisoners or just try to assassinate Rogers. Karnak asks Lafayette for her opinion and Lafayette recommends they free the prisoners. Karnak agrees and says something in a foreign language, triggering Leer's power and drastically amplifying the abilities of the other Inhumans in the room. Johnson gives in, since Leer's power has been expended anyways, and agrees to help rescue the prisoners.

When the group goes into the next room they find many of the prisoners have broken out already thanks to Brian McAllister using his powers to vomit up the guards' keys. The other Inhumans want to just leave and ignore Khan's admonishments to stay and fight, but Karnak gets their attention. He says that the Royal Family has not returned but insists their monarchy was useless anyways and that they can fight to defend themselves. After some argument as to what Johnson's team's name should be and Karnak eventually declaring them to be the 'Warriors', the Inhuman prisoners and Johnson's group rally together and begin to break out.

The fight goes poorly and the Inhumans soon find themselves badly outnumbered despite their drastically amplified powers. Karnak says they will fight until they die, but then the Underground heroes arrive and join the battle. Together they are able to route HYDRA, though Johnson is knocked down by a HYDRA soldier and has to be saved by Bobbi "Mockingbird" Morse. Johnson then runs after her father but collapses just as she catches up to him, enabling him to capture her and fly away with her in his plane.

The other members of Johnson's team and the Underground attacks the retreating HYDRA soldiers, with Devil Dinosaur biting down on and destroying a troop transport. Hercules boasts of how much fun he's having as Sam "Captain America" Wilson pulls everyone together. Pertuz drops to his hands and knees, exhausted, but then Lafayette asks where Johnson is and Morse says she pursued her father and they both got away. Khan doesn't want to pursue her, saying they should instead help defend the freed Inhumans, but Pertuz says they should pursue their teammates. Khan points out that Johnson insisted they weren't a team and insists that they focus on saving people instead of helping Johnson fulfill her vendettas.

On the plane, Calvin wakes Daisy up, explains that she collapsed because she overexerted herself following Lear's amplification of her talents, and threatens to kill her if she tries to use her powers. He says he wants his daughter back, and Daisy is uninterested, but Calvin says that his daughter's rage and anger mirrors his own and she should understand that she's not that dissimilar from him. He also tells her that Coulson is dead, which horrifies her. Calvin proposes that he help his daughter assassinate Rogers and then they become mercenaries in the aftermath, killing bad people for the highest bidder. Daisy is horrified by the idea of becoming a mercenary but Calvin says the only difference between that and her previous work for SHIELD is that SHIELD has better press. To sweeten the deal, he says they can start with the man who killed Coulson. Daisy asks who that was, but before Calvin can answer, the jet shakes violently.

Outside, another HYDRA jet pursues them. Khan is holding Karnak and Pertuz above the jet and Pertuz is heating the air above Calvin's plane at Karnak's direction so as to create a thermal draft and force the other plane down. Calvin's plane crashes and the other Inhumans, now including Lear, land to confront the Johnsons. Calvin says that Daisy is with her now and that together they will defeat Rogers. Daisy, however, blasts Calvin and says she was just stalling until her 'team' arrived. A furious Calvin attacks her and takes out most of the other Inhumans, but Karnak hits pressure points on his body and paralyzes him for the next week.

Johnson demands to know who killed Coulson and Calvin admits that he honestly has no idea; he never bothered to ask. He then calls Johnson out on following Karnak, whom he claims to be as evil as him, and he says that Karnak sold Lear to Dark Beast's group specifically so they could experiment on him. Karnak admits it, saying he chose his son to help the world and his son delivered. He says that Daisy should agree with him that they all must do what needs to be done to save the world, but Daisy rejects this. The others begin to leave, including Lear as Pertuz escorts him away from Karnak and the paralyzed Calvin, and Karnak tries one more time to convince Daisy to help him only to be rebuffed when she says people are supposed to look out for their family. Calvin mocks Karnak as the other Inhumans walk away, but Karnak just says that they'll see what happens.

In a flashback to before the HYDRA takeover, Karnak takes Lear to a tower. Lear asks why he has to go and Karnak says that he, Lear, will help defeat a great evil. Nathaniel "Mister Sinister" Essex then comes out of the tower and takes custody of Lear.


  • The Cavalry: The Secret Warriors are this to the Inhuman prisoners of New Attilan, and the Underground heroes are this to the Secret Warriors.
  • Title Drop: Karnak names the team 'Warriors,' which is part of the title of the series.
