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Recap / Regular Show S 04 Ep 16 Quips

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Skips' cousin Quips rolls into town to join the gang for Game Night. Unfortunately he takes every single opportunity to tell his painfully annoying jokes during his stay.


  • A Taste of Their Own Medicine: Reginald decides to show Quips how annoying his jokes are by making clones of him telling bad jokes. It doesn't work. The real Quips finds them hilarious.
  • An Aesop: If a friend has bad habits, it's better to be honest with them than to let their bad behavior slide, as that just encourages it.
  • Analogy Backfire: When the other park workers try to convince Skips to get rid of Quips, Skips retorts that no one tried to get rid of Rigby's brother Don when he came to visit. Rigby then responds that everyone liked Don and that he was the one who trying to get rid of him.
  • Character Catchphrase: Quips yells "Zingo!" everytime he tells a joke. It quickly gets on everyone's nerves.
  • Continuity Nod: Don's visit to the park gets a reference.
  • Do Not Taunt Cthulhu: When Reginald, one of the Guardians of Eternal Youth, heard one too many of Quips' bad jokes, he traps him and Skips in a shrinking cube.
  • Dumbass Has a Point: Moronic as it may be, Quips wasn't exactly wrong about some of the things he said about Reginald. Not only does he need to work on his anger issues, but his attempts at drawing could use an improvement, as even if he is a communications major that doesn't automatically make him an art major.
  • Giftedly Bad: Quips thinks he's some sort of comedic genius, when in reality his jokes are so bad they anger a demigod during game night. Though his jokes are popular with children.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Quips learns this the hard way when he makes jokes about Reginal.
  • Hated by All: Nobody likes Quips as he's indirectly tells them insulting jokes.
  • I Resemble That Remark!: Quips jokes that Reginald should get help for his "anger issues" as it could lead to high blood pressure and then he said that is a "dangerous health risk for a baby" and Reginald denies that in a maneer that proves Quips right.
    Quips: Hey Reginald, you might wanna get some help for your anger issues. It could lead to high blood pressure. That's a dangerous health risk for a baby.
  • Meaningful Name: Quips' name ties in to his tendency to tell bad jokes all the time. Invoked as he was given this nickname In-universe.
  • Remember the New Guy?: Quips is known by the rest of the Park workers, despite this being his first appearance and Skips never mentioned he had a cousin before.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: The rest of the Park workers decide they're not going to put up with Quips' terrible jokes and walk out on Game Night. Mordecai and Rigby only stay because they owe Skips for saving them so many times.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Quips really thought that mocking the all-powerful youth guardian's appearance would get him some laughs. Instead it offends Reginald to the point that he seals Skips and Quips in a shrinking cube. And he still cracks jokes at Reginald's expense.
  • You Owe Me: While all the other park workers walk out on Game Night due to not wanting to be around Quips, Skips convinces Mordecai and Rigby to stay by saying they owe him for all the times he has saved them. They can't argue with that and agree.
