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Recap / Power Rangers Operation Overdrive S1E25 Things Not Said

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As the hunt for the fourth Corona Aurora jewel comes to a close, Mack discovers a revelation of his background that might ruin his relationship with his dad.


  • Bittersweet Ending: The rangers get the fourth jewel from Kamdor and Miratrix, but the reveal of Mack's origin wrecks his relationship with Dr. Hartford.
  • Broken Record: Mack constantly repeating "Good thing" over and over again is a sign that something is wrong with him.
  • Chekhov's Gun: Earlier in the episode, Rose said she developed a new weapon with Zord Technology that no human can use without frying themselves. Mack takes the weapon during the climax, which activates his Super Mode.
  • Five-Second Foreshadowing: When Mack repeats "Good thing", his movements are glitchy and robotic...because he is a robot.
  • Foreshadowing: Crossed with Spotting the Thread: When Mack shows off one of the photos of him and his dad fishing, Dax notes how odd it is the tree casts a shadow, but the young Mack doesn't. Behind them, Spencer looks quite uncomfortable.
  • The Reveal: Mack has been an android all along.
  • Robotic Reveal: Seen when Mack's head is on a table...
  • Super Mode: This episode debuts the Red Sentinal Ragner, Mack's Battlizer, and the last Battlizer of Power Rangers until Dino Super Charge.
  • Wham Episode: Mack's reveal changes everything about this season.
  • Wham Line: So there's been a power-out, nothing special. Even Mack says it's a "Good thing". Repeatedly.
  • Wham Shot: After the Wham Line, Mack wakes up. Or rather, his head wakes up with numerous wires attached to his scalp.
