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Recap / Post MU Life Scream Chapter Six

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Chapter Six of POST-MU Life's a Scream!

The resulting explosion of the Science labs caused a large section of the building to collapse, and the sound reverberated throughout the University, startling students and faculty lecturers alike. Naomi, upon seeing where the explosion came from, rushed out of class and towards the direction of the Science labs. Deep within the CDA (Child Detection Agency) secret headquarters, alarms wailed as the current Director Roz sent CDA's Delta Team agents racing to the blast site to contain and isolate the contamination.

Katy, sensing that something was wrong, also made her way speedily from class to the Science department and watched as the CDA agents pick through the rubble and evacuate the students in the surrounding area, while others provided medical aid to those hurt in the blast. Naomi searched the crowds for the Perry twins, until she accidentally discovered that they were severely injured in the blast when she pulled away the blanket on the stretcher the paramedics were carrying to the ambulance.

Breaking down into tears in Sulley's chest, Naomi had her heart completely broken further as she watched the Perry twins being rushed off to the hospital for emergency medical treatment.

Refusing entry to anyone not of the hospital of CDA personnel, the agents deployed at the Perry twins' ward were stalwart in their barring of visits nor information, and that proved to be rather disastrous to Mrs Carlton's emotions and many others who were worried for the Perry twins' condition.

With so many students in attendance from the various classes and clubs that the Perry twins were in coming to the hospital to wait for any news of the twins, classes ground to a halt and even other students from other schools within MU itself came to inquire about their current conditions. Seeing no information available, they waited impatiently until there was any.

When Don told Brock and Claire that the OK Fraternity may need to pull out due to the Perry twins being injured, the president and vice president of the Greek Council told him that the rest of the fraternities and sororities have voted to suspend the games until the Perry twins have recovered. Don was visibly grateful for all the kindness shown by them, even the Dean who put forward the petition to the others frats and sororities even though she can make the decision herself.

Later Brock and Claire met the university photographer Lane Picca, who was clearly looking for a good photograph to keep track of the happenings in and out of campus. Showing their disapproval, Brock reminded Lane that it wasn't a good time to indulge in her photography habit, seeing how she has nearly threatened Laura Sharp after the first Scare Games event for a photograph, and she should just let this matter go. Undaunted, Lane said she would still try...and despite their misgivings, Brock and Claire had to believe her.

In the meantime, Squishy managed to get a talking moment with Laura, in which he inquired that will so many students be worried about the Perry twins should this happen even in the last semester? Laura merely replied that they would, since they are not heartless and they do care for the OK Fraternity despite not being nice to them. When the daughter of the Sharp family complimented Squishy, he felt his cheeks go red and quickly excused himself to the washroom. Mike, when he saw the predicament happening, felt that Squishy needs more than just Scaring lessons...

After getting their Mailmen jobs at Monsters Inc, Mike and Sulley were reunited with Mrs Sherry Squibbles (soon to be Mrs Carlton) and they were invited back to Monsters University, despite being expelled. Back at MU Frat Row, the students were inquiring the Greek Council about their power outrage. Johnny Worthington, being his usual high and mighty self, talked badly about Mike and Sulley which earned the ire of Terry Perry who marched up to him and told the whole University how Mike and Sulley turned the OK Fraternity into who they are today. He also gave Johnny quite a violent warning that he would most likely beat up the ROR president should he insult Mike and Sulley again.

At that point of time, Mike and Sulley returned to MU, and overheard what happened. Welcoming them with a hugs and embraces, the OK fraternity were all smiles and sunshine to learn that Mike and Sulley would be staying with them even though they had gotten jobs at MU. Rubbing the moment into Johnny's face, Dean Hardscrabble welcomed Mike and Sulley back to campus, and stated that their skills would be invaluable in helping the OK Fraternity members in the Scaring Program once the new Semester starts. Mrs Squibbles thanked the Dean of the Scaring School by hugging her in front of the whole University, much to the surprise of others, and announced their wedding to the entire Frat Row. The final group hug moment was so emotional that it brought tears to the eyes of those present that day.

Dirk and Violet shared a conversation together while waiting for their drinks to dispense from the vending machine, and Violet told Dirk about the incident that happened at the library with Naomi, and the reasons why the elder twin attracted so much attention from the Monster girls in university. Despite knowing the unspoken competition between a large number of girls vying for Terry Perry's heart, both felt that they should not have gone with the ROR's prank that fateful night, that way of treatment towards the OK Fraternity was beyond harsh, and did the biggest damage on Terry Perry in terms of romance. Meanwhile, Percy noticed that Nadya was still trying to calm Naomi down, the latter still choking on her sobs as her heart wept for the current condition Terry Perry was in along with his younger brother.

Dean Hardscrabble observed the saddened students and felt partially responsible for even allowing such a dangerous chemical to be used in the science labs. A while later, a doctor followed closely by a few CDA agents walked out of the hospital and announced that the students must clear the area and information will be disseminated shortly when they arrive. Given no other choice but to obey what they were told, the gathered students slowly dispersed and returned back to the university, although a token few left with great reluctance due to not having any information on the Perry twin's current condition.

When the OK Fraternity returned back to their frat house, Laura purposed the idea of the gathered monsters to make something to welcome the Perry twins when they were finally discharged from the hospital. Randall put forward his idea of baking someone for them, and Mrs Carlton agreed. Sulley and the rest mentioned they will ease Mrs Carlton's burden by doing the chores. Apparently, getting something for the twins was also on the minds of other Fraternity and Sorority members, and soon Mike and Sulley were receiving gifts from them at the front porch, ranging from various delicacies to even a full tea set.

After giving her own gift to the OK Fraternity to be passed on to the Perry twins, Carla noticed Johnny watching the mentioned Fraternity being showered by attention again. After chiding him for not showing concern to the current situation of the Perry twins, Carla left Johnny to stew over his own thoughts. Although he may not admit it outright, the ROR president does really care for them...a little.

Terry Perry woke up in an isolated hospital ward, his body wracked with pain and severely disorientated. Vaguely aware of his surroundings, he tried to see but to no avail. But before Terry passed out again, he caught a glimpse of someone across the room from his bed, unconscious like him, and his brother Terri.


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