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Recap / Plastic Addict S 1 E 10 Convoy No Nazo

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"For my tenth episode, I'm targeting not a toy, but a video game! (Hey, they're made of plastic!) Convoy no Nazo is the NES Transformer video game that never made it to America, which is a great thing cause the game is awful. Watch as I do my best angry nerd impression to show you a different side of Transformers."

Release: October 25, 2008


  • Driven to Suicide: TJ when he discovers he missed the collectibles needed to get the real ending and has to start the game all over again. He tries to strangle himself with the game controller. He actually adds it to the death counter.
  • Epic Fail:
    • TJ dies instantly on the first level. Twice.
    • One on the game designer's part? Level One can be beaten pretty much by holding down the fire button and running to the right.
  • This Is Gonna Suck: When preparing to play the game:
    TJ: "So sit back, enjoy the ride as I... (sighs) Who am I kidding; strap yourselves in, this is going to suck!"
