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Recap / Phineas And Ferb The Bully Code

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When Baljeet saves Buford's life, Buford becomes his servant and Phineas and Ferb must help him. Meanwhile, Doofenshmirtz invents a Re-Tire-inator to destroy an ice cream truck that ran over his foot, and Candace and Stacy take up jobs at Mr. Slushy Dawg to get rid of unflattering pictures that Candace accidentally sent to Jeremy's phone.


  • Agony of the Feet: An ice cream truck ran over Doofenshmirtz's foot the previous day, prompting him to build the Re-Tire-Inator in this episode to run over the truck. During his fight with Perry the Platypus, the Inator gets knocked over, crushing his other foot.
    Doofenshmirtz is jumping up and down, cradling his good foot and his bad foot.
    Doofenshmirtz: Ow, ow ow, my good foot! Ow, now my bad foot! Oh, my good foot again! Oh, now my bad foot! Oh, this is really a vicious cycle!
  • Brick Joke: Baljeet observes to Jeremy that the Slushy Dawg recipe hasn't changed since they opened in 1929. As Jeremy notes, that's their slogan, "Slushy Dawgs never get any better." Later in the episode, Buford offers his friends a Slushy Dawg, but they refuse.
    Baljeet: Ew!
    Phineas: Nah.
    Ferb: Oh, heavens, no. Slushy Dawgs never get any better.
  • Continuity Nod:
  • A Day in the Limelight: The relationship between Buford and Baljeet is given more focus.
  • Deadly Rotary Fan: Downplayed and exploited. The net that traps Perry to the ceiling is conveniently right next to a ceiling fan, so Perry nudges the net a bit so that it gets caught on the fan and tears apart.
  • Demoted to Extra: Because of the focus on the Buford/Baljeet and Candace/Stacy storylines, Phineas and Ferb are supporting players and the Doof & Perry plotline only has three scenes.
  • Don't Explain the Joke: Doofenshmirtz goes into an unnecessary diatribe explaining the difference between the Re-Tire-Inator (which will run over the ice cream truck that ran him over with a tire) and the Retire-Inator (a comfortable chair with a cat and TV that he intends to use when he retires).
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Rodney, Dr. Diminutive, and Dr. Bloodpudding (seen walking the Giant Floating Baby Head) are seen leaving Doofenshmirtz's building in a photo taken by the O.W.C.A., several episodes before they were properly introduced in "Nerdy Dancin'".
  • Fake Danger Gambit: Phineas and Ferb agree to help Baljeet engineer a situation so that Buford can save his life to no longer owe Baljeet and serve him, but decide not to. In the end, it is unnecessary because Buford saves Baljeet from being crushed by a giant wiener, at which point Buford declares that they're even and returns to bullying Baljeet as usual.
  • Freeze-Frame Bonus: Doof's cast has several signatures, including "Goo" from the Giant Floating Baby Head.
  • Gratuitous Disco Sequence: Perry's enters his lair in this episode by tapping a tile on the bathroom floor a few times, after which the entire floor lights up like a dance floor before Perry is sent to his lair.
  • Limited Wardrobe: Lampshaded. Candace shows Stacy her new red shirt, but Stacy's confused because the shirt looks exactly the same as Candace's regular shirt.
  • Mistaken for Exhibit: The episode ends with Linda staring at the boys' creation, but since neither the boys, nor their friends, nor Candace, are around near it to explain what it is, she dismisses it as "public art".
  • I Owe You My Life: Buford accidentally chokes on a hotdog, but Baljeet was there and managed to save his life. Buford's "bully code" means that thanks to Baljeet saving him, Buford is now Baljeet's slave for life. Played to its logical conclusion at the end: Buford saves Baljeet from being crushed by a giant wiener, at which point Buford declares that they're even and returns to bullying Baljeet as usual. The song even lampshades that, "The story is old. it's a '70s sitcom cliché".
  • Limited Wardrobe: Candace and Stacy's first scene is the former showing the latter her new red shirt... which looks similar to the one she wears in every episode.
  • Mythology Gag: The music that plays while Candace is on Phineas and Ferb's contraption is what Povenmire and Marsh wanted the theme song to originally sound like when it was pitched.
  • Pig Latin: Candace tells Stacy, "I'm gonna et-gay the one-phay". She responds with "You know I don't speak Spanish".
  • Plaster Cast Doodling: Doof got a lot of evil scientists to sign his leg cast. He even saved a spot for Perry to sign, but it's clear that it's a trap, as the space is a big circle with the words "Save for Perry", and once Doof gives him the pen, he is immediately netted onto the ceiling.
  • Puddle-Covering Chivalry: Buford takes off Baljeet's overalls and uses them to cover a puddle so Baljeet can walk across it. Baljeet is not amused.
  • Status Quo Is God: Just as Baljeet is getting used to Buford being his servant, Buford saves Baljeet's life and repays his debt.
  • Sweet and Sour Grapes: After hatching the plan to get Buford to save Baljeet and thus stop being his servant, Phineas and Ferb mentions to Baljeet that having a bully as your personal servant actually does have its own benefits. Baljeet is convinced, and decides not to go through with the plan... that is, until Doofenshmirtz's Re-Tire-inator causes the Slushy Dawg giant wiener to fly at Baljeet, prompting Buford to save his life anyway.
  • What Does This Button Do?: After becoming Slushy Dawg employees, Stacy complains to Candace that she doesn't know what all the buttons on the kitchen's machinery are for. A short moment later, we see Stacy again, covered in sauces.
    Stacy: I found out what all the buttons are for.
