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Recap / Penny Dreadful S 2 E 9 And Hell Itself My Only Foe

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Vanessa and Ethan discover that Sir Malcolm is in jeopardy; an enraged Vanessa goes to do battle with Evelyn while Ethan journeys to her mansion, and Dr. Frankenstein, Sembene and Lyle join him; Lily exposes her true self to Dorian.


  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Lavinia Putney, who tricks John Clare into a cage for her family's exhibit.
  • Cliffhanger: Lyle is trapped with one of Evelyn's followers; Victor has found Sir Malcolm but is stuck in the same "hallucination room;" Sir Malcolm is rapidly going insane; Vanessa is stuck in Evelyn's doll room, where her effigy calls her a murderer; and finally, Ethan transforms and attacks Sembene when the two are trapped in a staircase room.
  • Due to the Dead: Vanessa and Ethan take the time to give Roper a proper burial (albeit in an unmarked grave) after killing him.
  • Face Death with Dignity: Sembene, when he's trapped with Ethan and the light of the full moon starts coming into the room, refuses to let Ethan commit suicide, but also does nothing to defend himself when Ethan changes.
  • Humans Are Bastards: Oscar Putney delivers this explanation to Caliban as to why no one will help him:
    Scream your lungs out, if you like. No one will hear you. And even if they could, who would care? You know Londoners, what care they for the sufferings of malformed brutes. They will look, and they will point, and they will pay.
  • Killed Off for Real: Sembene.
  • Nightmare Fetishist: Lily chokes Dorian and bites off his ear as foreplay. Dorian's horrified at first but is intrigued after.
  • "Psycho" Strings: Used nigh-constantly in the climax, including an actual snippet of the famous Psycho Scare Chord when Victor hallucinates all three of his creatures visiting him.
  • Rasputinian Death: Roper gets bludgeoned, slashed, bitten, kicked in the face repeatedly and stabbed multiple times before he finally breathes his last. And the whole time he's giving almost as good as he's getting.
  • Shout-Out: Ethan Chandler's real name is revealed to be Ethan Lawrence Talbot.
  • Wham Episode: Vanessa goes to meet Evelyn alone and discovers the voodoo doll Evelyn made can talk. Victor hallucinates all three of his creations returning to him. Hecate aligns herself with Ethan and propositions him to be his most devoted follower. And during the invasion of Evelyn's castle, Ethan wolfs out and Sembene sacrifices himself to the werewolf so that the rest might survive.
  • Wham Line:
