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Recap / Parks And Recreation S 06 E 12

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At the local Farmer's Market, Leslie notices that the chard vendor is using scantily clad dancers to help sell its product. Leslie feels this is inappropriate and wants Ben as City Manager to shut it down, but Ben doesn't think they are breaking any laws. This argument spills over into their personal lives, and they decide to only discuss business at work. After much arguing, Ben convinces Leslie to see his side of the issue, and he agrees to enact a new rule that the chard vendor can only use their selling tactics after 5 PM.

Craig's nephew is having a birthday party. The entertainment has fallen through, so after hearing Andy play guitar, he asks him to play at the party. Andy tries to convince his band to join him, but they refuse. He is nervous about playing alone, but April tells him he can just improvise something. After a shaky start, the kids start to enjoy his songs. After the party Andy is approached by other parents who want him to play at their child's party.

Ann is miserable, but every time she complains about her symptoms to Chris, he tries to cheer her up. He doesn't understand that she only wants to vent. At the Parks Department, she notices that Ron, Donna, Tom, and Jerry are having their monthly Wine and Cheese club, which they use to vent about the work problems that annoy them. Ann joins them but soon has so many complaints about Chris that they make her leave. They later approach Chris and tell him that all he really needs to do is nod along when Ann complains. When he does so, it makes Ann happy.


  • Big Eater: Ann is starving for junk food during her pregnancy.
  • Call-Back: Back in "Freddy Spaghetti", Andy tried to modify the lyrics of "Sex Hair" to sound more child friendly by inserting Inherently Funny Words into it but they still sounded raunchy.
  • Comically Missing the Point: Andy tries to modify the lyrics of "Sex Hair" to "Sex Bears", not realizing that it's not the hair thing that's inappropriate for kids.
  • Obvious Rule Patch: Leslie's new book of rules for the Farmer's Market features several which, as Ben points out, appear to be specifically aimed at "Chardbodies".
    Ben: "No visible cleavage. No strobe lights. No chard-related innuendo."
    Leslie: ...Those apply to all vendors.
  • Surrounded by Idiots: At the farmer's market, a woman picks up a head of broccoli:
    Woman: [fascinated] Look at this little tree! Can you eat it?
    Man: [holding up a cauliflower] Oh, this one's died.
