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Recap / Paperinik New Adventures S 1 E 46 Time To Time

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Time Travel suddendly stops working. Paperinik and Lyla manage to do a "lucky travel" and return to the XXIII century, where Odin Eidolon trusts them with a new invention able to resolve the problem. However it might be more difficult than it seems, when the Raider and the Organization plan to take it for themselves...

Tropes Present In This Issue:

  • Attack of the Killer Whatever: While crossing the desert, PK and Lyla are chased by a horde of genetically mutated carnivorous gophers. When they finally arrive at their destination, PK is dismayed to notice that one of them is still clinging at his mantle.
  • Batman Gambit: Odin immediately figured out that Vostok was acting as The Mole, so he planned to use him to lure the Organization out and hired the Raider to find out their location. When they ruined that by changing base, he put a tracking device in the stabilizer to find their new lair.
  • Big Eater: Vostok is introduced asking for breakfast and later eating several massive cream-filled krapfen in a row.
  • Book Ends: The story open with the mysterious "master of Time" denouncing the abuse of his domain by humans, apparently appearing in a dream the Raider is having. In the end, the master reappears, claiming that now the status is restored... only to be yelled at by Trip, who angrily asks him to leave his dreams alone.
  • Call-Back: Vostok, Newton and the three leader of the Organization are back from #14 "Carpe Diem", although Newton had also appeared in the Bad Future of #34 "Nothing Personal".
  • Calling Me a Logarithm: The Raider calls Paperinik "anachronistic", since he is out of his time. He takes it as an insult.
  • The Chessmaster: Odin Eidolon plays heroes and villains alike.
  • The Cloudcuckoo Lander Was Right: A brief shot of a television debate shows a bishop-like man claiming that the malfunction of Time Travel is because humanity has abused time and now is paying the consequences, while another man tries to claim that there must be a scientific explanation. While Odin does explain his theory on the microcontractions, the presence of the "master of Time" implies that perhaps the first man wasn't completely wrong...
  • The Dog Bites Back: When the large Organization leader tries to remember the Raider his work, the latter angrily shuts him up and threaten to personally come to break his beak if he dares to interfere with his mission by sending more men. The boss is left shocked in disbelief.
    Large Org. Boss: "But... why didn't you tell him anything?"
    Scrawny Org. Boss: "Why? It's your beak."
  • Downer Ending: Yes, the leaders of the Organization are all arrested by the end. However, time travel is really impossible now (or at least it will be for a very long time) and Lyla and Donald are separated by two centuries. Thanks Barks for PK2...
  • Futile Hand Reach: Paperinik tries to take Lyla's hand one last time before returning to his time. However, since he was already intangible by that point, it's all in vain.
  • Gainax Ending: So... is Trip really able to meet the master of time in his dreams? Was it really the time master that stopped time travel? Was he even really the time master at all? Please, someone explain.
  • Graceful Loser: When the Organization is arrested, the woman boss accept defeat and actually burst into laughter upon realizing who set them up.
  • Keep Away: Paperinik and Lyla throw back and forth the chronological stabilizer like a football (he did previuosly state that it looked like a football ball to keep it away from the men of the Organization). That is, until the Raider arrives...
  • Heel–Face Turn: Vostok starts working for Odin and helps him create the chronostabilizer. It's not out of kindness: since he was unable to find a way to make time travel work again, he escaped to Eidolon afraid the Organization was going to pull some You Have Failed Me on him. Or at least, this is what he told...
  • Hologram: Paperinik uses one to trick Newton and free Vostok.
  • Informed Ability: Three of the droids that travel with our heroes (and Vostok) are presented as the best sharpshooter, the best tactician and the greatest weapon expert that the time police ever had. Later:
    Paperinik:"Argh! A strategist that chooses the wrong tactics, a gunman that loses his gun and a weapon expert without experience!"
    • It should be noted that they were actually pretending to be incompetent according to Odin's plan.
  • MacGuffin: The Chronostabilizer, a device that would allow time travel to work again. The Reveal:Except... it can't. It was all a lie by Eidolon to capture the Organization.
  • The Mole: Vostok is only pretending to working for Odin. In a subversion, he is perfectly aware of it.
    • On the other side the Raider had been hired by Odin Eidolon.
  • Only in It for the Money: The Raider only cares about getting his paycheck in all of this.
  • Retcon: Due to Everett's manipulation of the timeline in the final issue of PKNA, the ending of this issue was changed: by PK2 time travel is still impossibile, but Lyla is in our time.
  • Ship Tease: Paperinik and Lyla are extremely "friendly" to each other in this issue: Lyla describes him as "a true knight", and he seems jealous when she starts ogling another droid. And let's not forget their goodbye.
  • The Knights Who Say "Squee!": Lyla acts like a blushing teenager after seeing the famous droids they are going to work with.
  • The Reveal: The Chronostabilizer can't make time travel possible again, it was all just a trap for the Organization.
    • Also, the Raider was actually working for Odin Eidolon.
    • And there is no strange phenomenon that blocks Time Travel. It's the act of time traveling itself that is causing the perturbance.
  • Time Capsule: Paperinik, Lyla and Vostok find one containing some old motorcycles: they use them to arrive to their next destination.
  • Time Travel: ...Is no longer possible. This is what drives the plot.
  • Title Drop: The very last words PK says in the issue. (As he's disappearing to return to his present and cannot even touch Lyla one last time) "Raider, you're an expert... How do you ask time to time?"
  • Tracking Device: Odin puts one in the MacGuffin to find the base of The Organization.
  • You Can't Go Home Again: The reason Paperinik wants to protect the Chronostabilizer, since without it he can't travel back to his present.Even through we later learn it is not true.
    • Inverted by Lyla Lay: she can't ever leave home again because wiyh Time Travel no longer possible, she is stuck in the XXIII century and can't go back to the XXI.
  • You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me!: The Raided has one moment like this when a supremely ironic thing happens to him, of all people.
    Raider: "You've gotta be kidding me! My watch stopped! My watch!!"
