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Recap / PK 2 S 2 E 3 The Voice Of Darkness

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After the events surrounding Profunda, the situation in Duckburg has seemingly calmed down. Then, one night, as PK is looking for fuel for his Pi-Kar he runs into Everett's men gathering materials in his villa for something called "Project Profunda". This catches the hero's attention, as he decides to investigate matters. However, the real Profunda and her fearful accolytes have also caught wind of this turn of events and have prepared their move.

This Issue contains examples of:

  • Antagonistic Offspring: Korinna hates her dad, Everett. Though it's only much later that we find out the full extent of the story between the two of them.
  • Damsel in Distress: Apparently Juniper Ducklair, though we later find out it was all part of Everett's plans.
  • De-power: The machine build by Everett creates a special field which temporarly removes the psychic powers of those who walk in it.
  • Emotion Bomb: Profunda/Korinna can emit raw blasts of psychic energy strong enough to take down even strong-willed individuals such as Birgit.
  • Imagine Spot: When Donald finds out that the Pi-Kar uses what essentially is rocket fuel he has one where he's caught stealing fuel with a rubber tube from an actual rocket and denounced by Angus on tv.
  • Irony: Hobey, Korinna's most loyal follower, takes an entire shop hostage and demands to speak with Paperinik... except that Donald is one of the hostages, who decides to "pretend" to be PK to talk him. It almost works, but then Hobey notices the price ticked on PK's cape and calls him an impostor.
  • Mecha-Mooks: Everett employs two psychic-immune droids aptly-named "Hound Red" and "Hound Black" to retrieve Juniper.
  • Mind Manipulation: An entire community of homeless vagrants is controlled by Profunda and her nightmare-inducing powers, community which she turns into an army to do her bidding.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Lyla is especially fanservicey in this episode, including her appearing in a skin-tight uniform which greatly emphasize her ample bust.
  • Mysterious Waif: Juniper, for the time being, appears as a mute, pitiful girl in need of help.
  • Offscreen Moment of Awesome: Downplayed, while PK was away, Tempest managed to take down Hobey and save everyone. However, it's implied it was because Korinna stopped using her powers and thus he was left confused and vulnerable.
  • The Reveal: Profunda is actually Korinna, Juniper's sister and Everett's other daughter.
  • Shout-Out: To The Simpsons: the family in a car who gives a passage to Korinna in the end are duck counterparts of Homer, Lisa and Bart.
  • The Stinger: Korinna is last seen hitching a ride to Goosebeach, out of town.
  • Ungrateful Bastard: Zigzagged, while Everett is rather rude at PK for interfering with his trap, the hero did jumped in without knowing exactly what he was involved into.
  • Unskilled, but Strong: During her clash with her father, the narration notes that while Everett is much more experienced, he's evenly matched against his daughter, who's just younger and more powerful.
  • Villain: Exit, Stage Left: In the end, Korinna manages to escape her father's trap and leave Duckburg.
