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Recap / Orange Is the New Black S01E05 "The Chickening"

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"The Chickening" is the fifth episode of season one of Orange Is the New Black.

Piper takes her breakfast out to the exercise yard; while she's there, she sees a chicken nearby. Hilarity Ensues, as this chicken is something of an urban legend in the area. Flashbacks focus on Aleida and Daya's back story, as Daya continues to attempt to connect with her mother. She also carries on her own affairs: specifically, a burgeoning romance with C.O. John Bennett.

This episode provides examples of the following tropes:

  • Abusive Parents: Aleida. Neglectful as well.
  • A Day in the Limelight: Aleida was dating a drug dealer and allowing him to process drugs in her kitchen, while neglecting her kids and appearing jealous when he speaks to Daya.
  • Advice Backfire: Aleida's attempt to connect with Daya. "If you're gonna fuck a guard, fuck a fat one. That way, they're more appreciative, let you sneak in cigarettes, maybe bring you McDonald's."
  • Anvilicious: Parodied with Pennsatucky (a champion of the anti-abortion cause) dragging around a giant crucifix that's bigger than she is.
  • Chekhov's Skill: Sophia's past as a firefighter. When Pennsatucky tries to hang a huge crucifix, Sophia tells her it's not a load-bearing pipe. Pennsatucky ignores her warning, and the pipe comes down, along with most of the ceiling over the altar. Sophia's "I told you so" face is priceless.
  • Comically Missing the Point: Pennsatucky does this twice in rapid succession. The first time, Poussey asks "Who are you, Joan of Arc"? Pennsatucky replies "No, I'm from Westboro, my name is Tiffany..." Then Pornstache says "How the fuck did you survive infancy?" And Pennsatucky replies "My auntie helped my mama."
  • Noodle Incident: " I'm there on there on the construction site, barbecue sauce all over my titties, I look down and I'm like "What the fuck, again!?""
  • Operation: Jealousy: Aleida attempts to seduce Bennett, having figured out that Cesar (the drug dealer) moved on to Daya after Aleida was imprisoned.
  • Promoted to Parent: Daya.
