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Recap / OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes S 2 E 7 Your World is an Illusion

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K.O. tries to help a hero in need and ends up needing some help of his own.


  • Berserk Button: Raymond discovers that he hates being ignored.
    Raymond: You… You're seriously ignoring me? This has never happened to me before. I think I… hate this! (Starts attacking K.O.) PAY! ATTENTION! TO ME!
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: K.O. literally jumps through the screen while avoiding being hit by Raymond. He ends up spending much of the rest of the episode just outside the show's reality (indicated by a drop shadow behind him), unable to make physical contact with anyone else.
  • Call-Back: When confronted by a stranger, K.O. has flashbacks to encountering Shadowy Figure and turning into T.K.O.
  • Conspicuously Light Patch: Lampshaded. Holo-Jane has K.O. try to pick one of two rocks to pick up. When he picks up the lightly colored one, she asks him why he chose that rock in particular, to which K.O. doesn't really seen sure of himself other than he 'had to'. She then has him try to pick up the other, which he can't...because the second rock was part of the background.
  • Continuity Nod:
    • The gag of Raymond getting launched towards a jail but landing in a dentist's office next door is based on a scene from the earlier episode "We Messed Up".
    • When K.O. wonders what was the point of his adventures beyond the fourth wall, the Corn Guardian from "We've Got Pests" and "Parents' Night" makes another appearance.
  • Eyedscreen: Lampshaded when K.O. notices the letterboxing around his face and tries to push it away.
  • False Camera Effects: Most of the gags are based on painted cel animation errors despite OK, K.O.! being digitally animated.
  • Four-Fingered Hands: K.O. notices that he only has four fingers, then questions why they call it a high-five.
  • Fourth-Wall Observer: Holo-Jane knows from moving between dimensions that the world K.O. lives in is just a cartoon. K.O. starts realizing this as well, and does not take the revelation well.
  • Falling into Jail: Parodied. Once Raymond's defeated the first time, he gets most of his teeth knocked out and says he needs to go see a dentist. Cut to a shot of jail… which then pans to a dentist's office, where Raymond crash lands.
  • Frame Break: K.O. gets knocked out of the animation plane at one point.
  • Heel Realization: Holo-Jane realizes that it was wrong of her to tell K.O. his world wasn’t real then abandon him to the ensuing existential angst. She gets him out of it by explaining that everyone living in it can still have meaningful lives anyway.
  • Hit Flash: Pointed out by K.O.
    K.O.: You never hit me. See, you reared back, and just a blob of light.
  • Lazy Artist: K.O. starts noticing his Limited Animation.
  • Logic Bomb: Raymond is so confused about how K.O. is avoiding his blows that his head explodes.
    Raymond: I don't unders-s-stand. Does not compute. SPORTS!
  • Ninja Prop: The episode begins with Holo-Jane pushing the title card out of the way, and just gets crazier from there.
  • No Knees: Again, Lampshaded. K.O. freaks out when he looks down during a medium shot and realizes that neither he nor Rad have legs drawn below the camera's field of view (although to Rad they're right there and nothing's wrong).
  • Noticing the Fourth Wall: Holo-Jane causes K.O. to realize he and the world he lives in isn't real, though K.O. at least never figures out they're fictional.
  • Orphaned Etymology: In-Universe, K.O. realizes that a "high five" makes no sense if he has Four-Fingered Hands.
  • Perspective Magic: Holo-Jane is able to pick up seemingly distant objects, showing how the world is just an illusion. K.O. first starts believing her when he accidentally knocks a flying pterodactyl out of the sky while sticking his hand out.
  • Platonic Cave: The world is revealed as such.
  • Product Placement: K.O. uses the Cartoon Network app on his tablet.
  • The Power of Apathy: During his fight with Raymond, everyone sees K.O. blowing off the robot's blows like they aren't even hitting him. In fact, they aren't. K.O. knows now that every time he is about to get hit, there's a Hit Flash, and no actual punch.
  • Remember the New Guy?: Rex (the rabbit dressed in leather) claims that he's always known K.O. even though he claims to have never met him before. Indeed, the character has appeared in the background but never interacted with the main cast until now.
  • Stock Footage: K.O. notices that Raymond's second entrance is exactly the same as his first, only he's holding a toothbrush instead of a hockey stick and doesn't have any hockey gear on, which both K.O. and Raymond lampshade.
    K.O.: Raymond? Again? And with the exact same entrance as before?
    Raymond: So nice… (Brushes his teeth) …I did it twice!
