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Recap / Lost Girl S 3 E 9 Ceremony

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Bo starts her Dawning, and she and Dyson enter a mirror world in search of a key to escape it.

  • Badass Boast: "Even Death will fear us."
  • Call-Back: Creepy Suburban!Tamsin says, "Hiya, neighbor! Great day for a Wander!"
    • The song playing in the Mirror!Dal is "The Wanderer", by the Beach Boys.
    • Both of these also count as Foreshadowing.
  • Da Chief: Trick, in Bo's Dawning!Mirror.
  • 11th-Hour Superpower: Once again, Bo displays her ability to mass-suck a group of people.
  • Exact Words: "When the key is in Hand." Only one person can leave the Temple.
  • Fantastic Racism: Stella congratulates Bo on her attachment to the "human race", but says it's "not the fae way".
    • She also scares the shit out of Kenzi by telling her what happens to humans whose owners die.
  • God Save Us from the Queen!: Bo scares... everyone.
    Bo: I will reign. As he did. For I am his daughter. Together we will bridle the masses and ride unto victory. Even Death will fear us.
    Mass Succubus attack!: It's super effective!
    Bo: Only I will choose who lives.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Dyson offered himself as Bo's Hand knowing it would mean his sacrifice.
  • Kick the Dog: Trick's ambivalent about what Stella did to Kenzi, though he accepts she offered Bo a feast of humans. He calls what she said to Kenzi "needlessly cruel".
  • Mind Screw: Pretty much the entirety of the Dawning.
  • Mirror Universe: Where Bo ends up for her Dawning.
  • Old-School Chivalry: Dyson. "I guess a thousand years of chivalry is kind of hard to shake."
  • Physical Scars, Psychological Scars: Doesn't seem to be something for just emotional baggage like this. Anyway, Stella says Kenzi has scars before whispering something in her ear that makes Kenzi shut up and stare.
  • Rite of Passage: Bo passes her Dawning.
  • Shoot the Dog: If Bo had failed her Dawning, Trick and Kenzi were prepared to do what was necessary. Trick had a gun to stop Underfae!Bo. Kenzi was ready to stop Trick.
  • Silent Whisper: Stella to Kenzi, after Kenzi declares her undying loyalty to Bo.
  • Stealth Hi/Bye: The keeper of the Dawning temple.
  • Superpowered Evil Side: Bo's mass succubus attack.
  • Take a Third Option: Bo rejects the obvious solutions and, once again, makes her own path.
    Bo:There's always another way.
    Caretaker: No! This place can be vengeful!
    Bo: He's worth it.
