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Recap / Lost Girl S 1 E 9 Fae Day

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A holy day for the Fae is interrupted when a Banshee wails. One of the noble Fae at the Dal is going to die. Bo is determined that won't happen.

  • Chekhov's Gun: The book Trick gives Bo about La Shoshain gives her the information to invoke the Agallamh.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: The man who was screaming at Liam in his office shows up later trying to kill Liam and shoots Sean instead.
  • Diabolus ex Machina: Bo succeeds in settling things between Liam and Sean, with the former abandoning his intent to kill the latter. Unfortunately, the random man who had been screaming at Liam earlier returns and attempts to shoot him, only to kill Sean instead.
  • Hell Is That Noise: The Banshee's wail.
  • Loophole Abuse: Liam argues that he invoked the spirit of La Shoshain by hiring goblins to go after Sean rather than doing it himself.
  • Misplaced Retribution: In the end, it turns out that Sean and Liam have been a victim of this since their initial fallout, as Liam thought Sean was accusing him for no reason when the money was taken by their father.
  • Rules Lawyer:
    • While fae are not allowed to use their powers on La Shoshain or even get physical with each other, Bo can act without issue as she isn't aligned with either faction.
    • Trick notes that there is no issue with the banshee screaming as the rules of La Shoshain only cover deliberate use of fae powers while the banshee's scream is pure reflex.
    • On a lesser note, goblins are shown taking action despite the day, but it's noted that the species as a whole don't usually care about the rules of La Shoshain anyway. Dyson chooses to use violence to shoot a goblin to save Bo, but his words suggest nobody really enforces that particular rule.
  • Stopped Reading Too Soon: Bo's ignorance of Fae customs results in her invoking the Agallamh to settle the issue between the brothers, but she hadn't read far enough ahead to learn that her own life would be forfeit if she failed to achieve peace.
  • Vomit Indiscretion Shot: The Banshee carries information in her subconscious for the identity of her victim, but it has to be forced from her. The results aren't pretty.
  • Wham Line
    Liam: He'd better die. I sure paid enough for it.
  • You Can't Fight Fate: The Banshee's wail is final; even when Liam calls off his planned hit on Sean, his brother still ends up dying before midnight.
