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Recap / Haven Sp 4 In The Beginning

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In this comicbook story, Sarah Vernon enters The Barn to end the 1955 Troubles. In the white endless hallway, she meets Byron Howard and asks why this is happening and why she is being punished. He sadly explains that she's not being punished, but her original self Mara is. He tells her what Mara did.

Back in Colonial America, Mara and William wandered the country, wreaking havoc by giving people Troubles. They stop to rest in the woods outside the village that will one day become Haven, Maine. William says they should lay low for a while; people are starting to catch on to them now, and they'll be caught if they keep doing what they're doing. Mara scoffs and arrogantly says humans are so inferior to them, commenting that it took humans thousands of years just to discover fire. Besides, she's on a huge roll. Each experiment teaches them so much about human nature and weakness, and there's no way she's stopping now.

A little boy named Edward wanders near them. Mara crushes a black bead in her hand and grabs him, giving him a Trouble.

Sarah asks why Mara did these things. He muses, "Hubris? Sadism? Or maybe just because she could."

The terrified Edward runs back into the village with Mara and William following. He's surrounded by a Pillar of Light that moves with him no matter how fast he runs, and although it doesn't harm him, anything else that enters the light is immediately incinerated, including people. He falls to his knees in despair. The villagers realize Mara caused this, call her a witch, and attempt to attack her. William defends her with his sword and easily kills them all.

In Edward's anguish, he wanders near a tree, which gets damaged and almost falls on Mara, but William saves her. He tells her to be more careful. Just because they are immune to Troubles doesn't mean they are invincible. He says they need to get out of here and she sighs and agrees. She says to leave Edward there. His Trouble is too destructive and he has no control over it, so he is useless to them.

As they start to leave, Howard and some henchmen teleport in their path. Mara and William recognize them. William lunges at the group and tells Mara to run, but Howard catches up to her and knocks her down. William gets subdued by the henchmen. Howard starts to comfort Edward and steps into the light, demonstrating he is immune to it. He hugs the boy and says his suffering will be over soon, then snaps his neck, causing the light to disappear.

Howard sentences William to be cast into the void, "where he belongs-with the other mindless monsters." Mara begs him not to, but Howard cuts her off and says that since she was the mastermind behind this Trouble business, her punishment will be even worse. This village will be turned into a "haven" for all those Mara and William have wronged. They will live in peace with their Troubles kept in check, but once a generation, she must return, and their Troubles will return. This will force her to see the damage she has done. The Barn materializes, and Howard says this will be her prison in the meantime.

As the story ends, Sarah asks what happens now. Howard says unfortunately, the cycle must continue, and her memories will be reset. He touches her forehead and says, "Goodbye Sarah. Until next time."
