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Recap / Gotham S2 E6 "By Fire"

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Directed by TJ Scott

Written by Rebecca Perry Cutter & Megan Mostyn Brown

Butch attempts infiltrating Galavan's operation in order to find Penguin's mother, while Gordon and the GCPD are searching for Bridget Pike for the murder of an officer and the arsons. Bridget and Selina rob a human trafficking operation.


  • Accidental Murder: Eddie chokes Kristen to death while trying to make her listen to his justifications for killing Officer Dougherty.
  • Artificial Limbs: Tabitha and Barbara brainstorm various things that they can attach to Butch's stump in place of a hand. In the end they settle for a mallet.
  • Artistic License – Medicine:
    • Someone as severely burned as the last Pike brother shouldn't be able to speak or move so easily.
    • It is obvious Ed was not pressing on Kristen's neck or nose long or hard enough to merit her being choked or suffocated.
  • Artistic License – Physics: The cloth on the last Pike brother to die should've been way more burned. And a small place filled with explosives and accelerants should've burned or exploded just from the heat of Firefly's flames.
  • Blunt "Yes": Bridget to her brothers just before setting them on fire.
    "What are you gonna do? Kill us?" "Yup."
  • Call-Back: Indian Hill was referenced in season one as a "toxic waste dump on top of an Indian Burial Ground" near Arkham.
  • Combat Pragmatist: When Alfred has Bruce in a headlock and tells him he needs to do what he can to get free, Bruce bites Alfred's arm. After his initial surprise, Alfred is pleased.
  • Distracted by the Sexy: Alfred merely mentioning Silver is enough to get Bruce to drop his guard and let Alfred get a shot in during their boxing lesson.
  • Double-Meaning Title: The fire can both refer to Bridget's preferred weapon and her lighting several people up, as well as the metaphorical fire that Kristen thought Ed was hiding.
  • Dying Clue: The surviving Pike brother growled out "bitch", possibly to clue the detectives in on his killer's gender.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Barnes, a zealot obsessed with maintaining law and order in Gotham, has already dedicated himself to using every means necessary to stamp out crime, but beating up suspects in broad daylight as Gordon did at the start of the episode is a bit too much for him.
    Barnes: We do not beat suspects! Ever!
    • Later in the episode Barnes reveals himself as a bit of a hypocrite because while Gordon, upon learning about Bridget's background understands she was forced into her situation, Barnes simply states she's to be put down for killing a cop.
  • Faking the Dead: While almost everyone thinks Bridget died in her showdown with the cops, she's survived to be experimented on by a Wayne laboratory.
  • Freeze-Frame Bonus: One of the men being experimented on looks like he's been exposed to freezing temperatures.
  • Freudian Excuse: It's not hard to see why Bridget's mind snaps after being captured again by her scumbag brothers and tortured by them.
  • Funny Background Event: While Butch is attempting to convince Theo to hire him, a congressman is struggling in the background to stop from hanging himself.
  • I'll Never Tell You What I'm Telling You!: Selina claims not to know who hired the Pike brothers for the fires, and also says that Gordon will never go after Penguin anyway.
  • Karmic Death: The Pike brothers, abusive arsonists, get burned to death by the girl they abused.
  • Lock-and-Load Montage: Penguin's crew loads up on the heavy artillery as they prepare to rescue (they think) Penguin's mother.
  • Made of Plasticine: It's much easier for Nygma to accidentally choke Miss Kringle to death than it likely would be in real life.
  • Mythology Gag:
    • Bridget's mental breakdown and suffering burns over most of her body references versions of the (male) Firefly who is also disfigured by being burned and Ax-Crazy.
    • Bullock actually calls Bridget a "Firefly" in one scene.
    • One of the first test subjects seen in the Indian Hill is what appears to be a four-fingered lizard child in a bath tub. Presumably, this was intended to be a much younger Killer Croc.
  • Pay Evil unto Evil: Bridget's goal.
    • No one, even Gordon, expresses much regret over Bridget barbecuing her brothers.
    Bullock: I don't mean to Speak Ill of the Dead, but these ass-hats had it coming!
    • The auctioneer selling off women gets roasted as well and few people are likely to be upset.
  • Sex Slave: Selina and Bridget rob an actual auction of beautiful women in chains. Bridget comes back later and frees all the slaves.
  • Wham Shot: Bridget is taken to a secret facility run by a subsidiary of Wayne Enterprises that appears to house people with abilities and powers for testing and research.
  • What the Hell, Hero?:
    • Selina gives Jim one of these for failing to save Bridget, despite his protests that he did his level best to get her to come with him quietly.
    • Earlier, a Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique nets Jim a good talking to from Barnes.
