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Recap / Garfield And Friends S 1 E 10

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The tenth episode of the first season of Garfield and Friends.

Post-Opening Sequence Line: "Hey, Heathcliff! Eat your heart out!"

Magic Mutt

After Jon pulls out his old outdated magic kit, he and Garfield go to Mr. Mystic's all-night magic shop to find new tricks for Jon to perform. While there, Garfield gets chased by Merlin, Mr. Mystic's vicious dog.

Short Story

When Booker is told by Orson that he's too short to help him and his friends, he's determined to prove them wrong. He ends up doing so when Gort, Wart, and Mort steal their crop of vegetables and lock them in the silo.

Monday Misery

When Garfield finds out that it's Monday, he decides to mail himself to Samoa in a desperate yet unsuccessful attempt to escape from it.

"Magic Mutt" provides examples of:

  • Added Alliterative Appeal: The magic shop that Jon and Garfield visit is Mr. Mystic's Magic Mart.
  • Alliterative Title: Magic Mutt.
  • Epic Fail: Jon tries to perform a card trick on Garfield, but continually gives wrong guesses. It is eventually revealed that the card Garfield took said "This deck is guaranteed by the manufacturer to be free from defects."
  • Exact Words: Jon comes to Mr. Mystic's Magic Mart, which has a sign that says "Open 24 Hours". When he knocks on the door, Mr. Mystic tells him "We're closed, go away!" Jon then tells him that his sign says his store is open 24 hours. Mr. Mystic then tells Jon "Sure, but not all in a row!" Fortunately for Jon, Mr. Mystic lets him in, since he's already up.
  • Forced Transformation: As a result of Garfield accidentally destroying Mr. Mystic's magic wand,, he and Merlin get turned into monsters. Mr. Mystic assures Merlin that the magic will wear off in a day or three, at least he thinks so.
  • Gravity Is a Harsh Mistress: This episode has this take affect on Merlin the dog. When one trick has sent both he and Garfield to the ceiling, Garfield points out that claws are needed to stay up there... Merlin, who lacks them, promptly falls.
  • Pull a Rabbit out of My Hat:
    • When Jon digs out his old magic kit, he performs this trick for Garfield. His magic kit is so old and outdated that he only ends up pulling out a rabbit skeleton.
    • Later, when Garfield and Jon visit Mr. Mystic's Magic Mart, Mr. Mystic tells them that he knows every trick except pulling a top hat out of a rabbit. When Jon mentions it's the other way around, Mr. Mystic cries out "That's why that trick never works!"
  • Saw a Woman in Half: After trapping Merlin in a magic box, Garfield does this to him. He takes a pause from his sawing to tell the viewers not to try it at home.
  • Scooby-Dooby Doors: This episode does this with a three-compartment magician's cabinet.
  • Snake Charmer: Garfield dresses as one and plays a flute to produce a rope to climb to escape from Merlin. Unfortunately, Merlin follows him up the rope.

"Short Story" provides examples of:

  • Alliterative Title Short Story.
  • Bag of Kidnapping: Gort, Wart, and Mort do this to Orson and his friends, capturing Orson while the latter is reading a book about a hunter bagging his prey and Roy and Bo as they're playing a game of checkers, with the former saying he is about to get jumped. When Orson's brothers come across Wade, the cowardly duck decides to save them the trouble of stuffing him in their bag and puts it over himself.
  • Diegetic Soundtrack Usage: Several episodes begin with a character humming along from where the title music left off. In this episode, Bo remarks that he's had the tune in his head all day, and wonders where he heard it.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: Booker gets upset when everyone tells him he's too little to help, but when everyone gets locked up in the silo, he's the only one small enough to fit through the window. He gets Gort, Wart, and Mort to fight with each other so they'll leave, and rescues his friends, who praise him for his heroic actions.
  • Height Angst: Booker gets upset when Orson tells him he's too little to stand guard. After everyone gets captured by Gort, Wart, and Mort, Booker is the only one small enough to get through the window and escape.
  • "I Am" Song: At the end of the episode, Booker sings "I'm Short", a song about the advantages of his diminutive size.
  • I Resemble That Remark!: When Booker complains to Orson that he's tried of everyone treating him like a little kid, Orson reminds him that he is a little kid. Immediately afterwards, Wade tells Orson that he's tired of everyone treating him like a cowardly craven duck. When Orson reminds Wade that he is a cowardly craven duck, Wade tells him that he knows, he's just tired of everyone treating him like one.
  • Produce Pelting: Booker tosses a tomato at Gort, leading to him, Wart, and Mort fighting each other.
  • Unplanned Crossdressing: When Orson goes into the shed to change into his Power Pig costume, he comes out dressed like Cleopatra. He then blushes and says it's dark in there.
  • Who's on First?: When Booker recovers the stolen lettuce from Mort, Mort says "I love lettuce with... hey!" Gort overhears and tells him "Lettuce with hay? Wouldn't you rather have lettuce with tomatoes?"

"Monday Misery" provides examples of:

  • Alliterative Title: Monday Misery.
  • Big Eater: Garfield. This episode begins with Jon making him a stack of pancakes so tall that Garfield needs a ladder just to pour the syrup.
  • Didn't Think This Through: Garfield decides to stow away in Jon's care package to Samoa so he can escape from Monday. Unfortunately, he discovers that when he crossed the International Date Line, Monday is just beginning in Samoa.
  • Downer Ending: Garfield is stuck in Samoa and Monday isn’t over due to time zones. Thank goodness for Negative Continuity.
  • Explain, Explain... Oh, Crap!: This exchange:
    Jon: Oh! I forgot to tear a page off my calendar!
    Garfield: What difference does it make what day it is?
    (Jon tears a page off of his calendar)
    Jon: Oh, that's right. Today's Monday.
    Garfield: MONDAY?!
  • Human Mail: Garfield stows away in Jon's care package to Samoa in a desperate yet unsuccessful attempt to escape from Monday.
  • Humiliation Conga: As soon as Jon makes Garfield go outside, he gets rained on, hit by the dreaded "splut", has a grand piano fall on him, and stows away in Jon's care package to Samoa and getting hit by a crate, an anvil, and stamped by a careless clerk at the post office, hoping that by the time he gets there Monday will be over, only to discover that once he crossed the International Date Line, Monday is just starting in Samoa, and he discovers that "Gorsh" is the Samoan version of "Splut".
  • Illogical Safe: In a Dream Sequence, a safe "bashes" Garfield, he unlocks it, and then continues walking.
  • Piano Drop: A piano falls on Garfield just when he was convinced that he was wrong and Monday wasn't out to get him.
  • Pie in the Face:
    • During Garfield's nightmare sequence, Garfield gets a pie tossed at his face.
    • Garfield comes across a door with a sign that says "BEWARE OF THE SPLUT" on it, then asks what a "Splut" is. He then opens the door, he says "Oh, I remember", and a pie hits him in the face.
    • When Garfield arrives at Samoa, he comes across a door with a sign that says "GORSH" on it. He opens the door and a pie hits him in the face. The Samoan cat he meets tells him that "Gorsh" is the Samoan version of "Splut".
  • "Psycho" Strings:These are used to trigger a Dream Sequence in the form of a parody of a horror movie trailer:
    From the people that brought you the terror of Wednesday and the horror of Friday, comes the most horrifying, terrifying day ever, a day invented just to make the rest of the week seem good... MONDAY!
  • Saying Sound Effects Out Loud: Garfield is CRASHED, BASHED, and yes even SPLUTTED! In each case, a rather unenthusiastic voice shouts "Smash!" "Bash!", "Splut!", and later "Gorsh!", after Garfield learns that it's Samoan for Splut.
