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Recap / Dragons Riders Of Berk S 6 E 12 Shell Shocked Part 1

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After months of planning, Hiccup launches an operation to capture the Dragon Eye from Viggo, only to find that someone has beaten them to it.


  • Almost Kiss: Astrid and Hiccup do this twice
    • When they're about to kiss by the stairs to the Great Hall, Fishlegs interrupts them, and causes Hiccup and Astrid to jump back from each to other in shock.
    • Later, when they're about to kiss again, Ruffnut and Tuffnut interrupt them.
  • The Bus Came Back: A couple of examples:
    • The Dragon Rider Auxiliary Team returns to help the main team with Hiccup's plan to defeat the Dragon Hunters.
    • Heather and Dagur, who left a few episodes ago to search for their father Oswald, return to help their Rider friends as well.
  • Continuity Nod: When mentioning the various allies of Berk, the Outcasts (who have not appeared at all in Race to the Edge) are mentioned as one such group, confirming the implication at the end of Season 2 that Stoick and Alvin have buried the hatchet and are back to being on good terms.
  • Enemy Mine: Viggo tries to convince Hiccup that he was betrayed by Ryker, who has gone on a rampage with Viggo's new weapon. Ryker in turn attempts to convince Hiccup that Viggo is playing him, asking why he would attack himself.
  • Moment Killer: People keep interrupting Hiccup and Astrid's attempts to kiss, and Astrid's a bit too embarrassed just to carry on in spite of it. Albeit at another time she is insulted that Hiccup would try to leave with just a handshake and makes sure she gets a kiss.
  • Pre-Asskicking One-Liner: During the Imagine Spot outlining Hiccup's plan, some of the riders get in some good ones:
    Dagur: Hello. Have you met my sister, the Berserker? I promise you she lives up to the name!
    Fishlegs: And now it's time to introduce the band! I'm Fishlegs, and on tail-bludgeon we have Meatlug!
    • Tuffnut then complains that Hiccup doesn't have a cool one-liner when he confronts Viggo.
  • Relationship Upgrade: This episode makes it clear that the kiss between Hiccup and Astrid wasn't just a one-off thing, and that they are officially together now.
  • Tranquil Fury: Viggo experiences first hand that while he may be smart and be able to outthink Hiccup, the same can't be said for his father. Stoick, upon first meeting Viggo in the flesh, proceeds to hold the man in a chokehold as he makes it clear not to mess with him or his people.
  • Unspoken Plan Guarantee: The episode starts with Hiccup detailing his plan to take down Viggo and reclaim the Dragon Eye. Once they get there they discover that Ryker had already turned on Viggo.
