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Recap / Biker Mice From Mars S 4 E 20 Swimming With Sharks

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The Biker Mice encounter Vinnie's Auntie Mago, who wants to kill Stoker in revenge for him becoming leader of the Martian freedom fighters instead of her.

This episode contains examples of

  • Evil Aunt: Mago is revealed to be Vinnie's maternal aunt.
  • Evil Is Petty: Mago left the Freedom Fighters and became a pirate just because Stoker was picked to lead them instead of her. Even her plan of stealing Earth's water is this; to destroy Stoker and prove that she would've been the greatest leader of all.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: Mago does not understand why the Biker Mice do not consider restoring Mars' water to be worth dehydrating Earth.
  • It's All About Me: Stoker says that was Mago's weakness. She was so obsessed with getting revenge on Stoker that she didn't consider that others would want him, like the Catatonians.
  • Shout-Out:
    • Mago's pet hammerhead sharks are named William and Morris.
    • Throttle at one point calls one of the hammerhead sharks "Jaws".
    • Vinnie jokingly says "sleep with the fishes" using a Marlon Brando impression.
    • At one point, Vinnie sings "Oh those sharks, babe, have big teeth, bro", a reference to the song "Mack the Knife".
  • Space Pirates: Mago and her crew dress and act like pirates and arrive on Earth in a spaceship.
  • Species Surname: Mago's last name is given as Mouse. This particularly stands out because no other Martian mouse in the series has an official last name.
  • Talk Like a Pirate: Discussed by Modo and Mago. Modo asks Mago why she talks like a pirate even though she is known to be a scientist. Mago replies that she only does it because her crew likes it.
