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Recap / Big Finish Doctor Who 096 Valhalla

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Welcome to Valhalla, we have everything you need...!

The Doctor is wandering around Valhalla, the capital of Callisto which is one of the moons of Jupiter. He's wondering around, looking for a job because... Well, who knows, really? Also, it's the third time he's gone into one of these job agencies.

Turns out the Doctor doesn't want to go about travelling any more, and settle down with a travel lodge. Interesting people can come to visit him, as opposed to the other way around. Someone else can be in charge.

In the meantime Jevvan is working down in the ducts, grumbling to her co-workers that her Earth family forgot her birthday, and one of them, Gerium, makes fun of a third, Tin-Marie, that she believes giant termites are moving things.As a powerspike puts her in the dark, literally, she manages to stumble into the Doctor.

He tries to convince her that she should leave, because Things That Go "Bump" in the Night aren't always the friendliest. She refuses, and quite frankly doesn't trust the stranger out of nowhere. She goes and finds Tin-Marie, dead.As the Doctor mutters to himself it's her own fault, and how she could've walked away, and how things are always the same with these kind of people, and that it's someone else's problem. ... Oh ... Who is he kidding?

As he consoles her, they reach up top, and ... the planet is empty. Save for that gigantic swarm of termites which for some reason are devouring everything. They make a break for it to a local café, where the Doctor, inadvertently, gets in touch with the Registry. Who, already knows more about him. The Doctor knew this though. He also knows the Registry isn't human. As Gerrium manages to join the duo in the café through a duct, they learn that there is a complete evac taking place.

The three get chased by the swarm, to the pick up, where they miss the last flight off of the planet! And a phone goes off (in fact, all phones go off) until the Doctor answers.The Registry will see him now.

The Doctor, Gerrium and Jevvan make a quick break for the TARDIS, with The Swarm on their heels. This goes well until the drones take the entire TARDIS with them. With some quick thinking and jigglery-pokery the Doctor manages to disguise himself as a termite general using a Perception Filter. He barely avoids being eaten for not knowing the Trust Password Our Mother (The Registry) gives to her minions on a daily basis.She joins her drones, and recognizes the Doctor as not one of her young. The Doctor, being very capable of Talking Your Way Out convinces her not to kill him.

He frees Laxton, the Mayor Pain of Valhalla, who's been taken away as livestock. The Doctor discloses to the queen he knows what she's doing, which is turning all of Valhalla's human populous into a Slave Race. Which in turn would turn into a war with Earth with Mutually Assured Destruction as a result.

She catches the Doctor in the act of betraying him, just as Tin-Marie is about to undergo Body Horror, and the Doctor proclaims Our Mother dead, causing the termites to follow their instinct and fly off in search of new queens.As Jevvan manages to wake all of the wrapped up prisoners through their comms, the Doctor has his final words with Our Mother, in which he expresses his weariness with time itself, but he can't retire because of his enemies.

He invites Jevvan on a trip to Earth, hoping to do her a favour, and maybe travel a bit. She turns him down, because she wants to do more than "hops". She wants to see the parts in between locations.

The Doctor, who sounds heartbroken as she walks away, laments on his solitude.
