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Recap / American Dragon Jake Long S 02 E 6 Breakout

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Nothing can defeat the American Dragon except a bad case of acne.

When Jake learns that he's starting to go through his first ten-year molting cycle, he becomes obsessed with shunning Rose's attention so she won't see his grotesque appearance. But not only must Jake and Rose work together to complete a school science project...they must also work together as the American Dragon and Huntsgirl to prevent the Huntsman from making more progress in his long gestating plot.

This episode provides examples of:

  • Audience Surrogate: In The Stinger, Fu Dog lampshades how everyone is wondering why the Huntsmans chose Huntsboys #88 and #89 to be his apprentices out of all the Huntsclans trainees.
  • Bait-and-Switch: Fu Dog makes it out that Dragon-Molting is like a caterpillar metamorphosing into a butterfly. ...Only to say molting is nothing like that.
  • Call-Back: Rose's supposed slaying of a dragon in "The Academy" gets brought up again, with a lot of the episode's ending hinging on the fact that the Huntsman is starting to become suspicious that Rose didn't actually do it.
  • Character Development: Played with. Even though Rose was a nice person to begin with, she used to hate dragons just as much as the next huntsgirl. This was due to her being raised with the notion that dragons were disgusting creatures. Despite that Jake is shedding his skin, Rose is sympathetic and makes it clear she cares about him despite him a dragon, let alone that he's covered in acne.
  • Chekhov's Gun: Trixie and Spud's 100-uses cream. It's used around the climax to help Jake shed his dragon skin, so it can be used to "prove" Rose killed 'the dragon'.
  • Conveniently Timed Attack from Behind: The Huntsman actually bests Jake in their fight near the end of this episode, getting him pinned down. Just as the Huntsman is about to land the finishing blow, he suddenly takes a shot from behind, dealt by the previously hiding Rose with her own staff. When the Huntsman later comes to, Rose claims it was the work of Lao-Shi and that she rescued him as part of her ruse that she's still his faithful apprentice.
  • Final Solution: The Huntsman's master plan is finally revealed in full. He's going to collect the thirteen Aztec Skulls (of which he already has ten) and use their power to exterminate all magical creatures.
  • Foreshadowing: When Jake tries Trixie and Spud's 100-uses cream the first time around, the cream only made the skin around his face looser. (Although Trixie and Spud are grossed out by the results, getting Jake's old skin off is the idea.) Near the end, he uses the cream again to completely shed his skin to give Rose evidence to prove to the Huntsman that she killed him.
  • It's Not You, It's My Enemies: Rose explains to Jake that they can't spend too much time together lest the Hunstclan catch on that she's turned traitor.
  • Jerkass: With a touch of Manchild tendencies, Huntsboys #88 and #89 aren't exactly sympathetic when they mock Rose having a boyfriend (and they didn't even know at the time said-boyfriend was a dragon).
  • Lame Rhyme Dodge: When Jake's trying to avoid Rose so she won't see his molting cycle.
    Rose: (approaching Jake at his locker) Jake, I was calling you.
    Jake: Oh, did you say "Jake"? I thought you said...steak.
  • Mocking Singsong: Huntsboy #88 tries doing this when he and #89 stumble across Rose and Jake walking away from school together. Fortunately, he gets cut off by the Aztec Guardian Serpent.
    #89: Hey, #88, check it out! Rose went and found herself a big hunk of man!
  • No, You: Behold, the raw talent Huntsboy #89 possesses when it comes to retaliating against Rose when she calls him and #88 out.
    Rose: Master, I was left fighting against the dragon and the serpent after these two ran away like cowards!
    #89: I know you are, but what am I?
  • Rise of Zitboy: An extreme case in that it involves Jake's entire outer layer of skin becoming acne-ridden, gray, and wrinkled as he molts.
  • Sick and Wrong: Rose's response to entering Fu Dog's dream is a simple "Eww".
  • The Stinger: It's revealed that Huntsboys #88 and #89 became the Huntsman's new apprentices by making fraudulent resumes that claim they've killed a good number of magical creatures, with the Huntsman oblivious to the fact that #88 and #89 only did so in a video game.
  • Sweet and Sour Grapes: From now on, if they want to lay low, Jake and Rose can't interact anymore. At least in the real world. As it turns out, Rose has found a compromise in the form of both she and Jake owning a Dream Bracelet so they can consciously visit one another's dreams.
  • Tempting Fate: Jake tries to reassure Rose when she expresses her worries about the dangers of them spending time together, saying that the Huntsclan's unlikely to come barging out into the open when they're under the guise of normal middle school kids. Cue Huntsboys #88 and #89 running up, being chased by the Aztec Guardian Serpent.
  • Two Scenes, One Dialogue: Utilized for The Reveal of the Huntsman's plan, to show that Jake and Rose are getting this information at the same time.
    Huntsman: Silence! I want that serpent, not excuses!
    Rose: But, master. If I may ask, what is it—?
    Jake: (cut to him back at his grandfather's shop) —About that creature that's so important?
    Lao-Shi: The serpent guards one of 13 mystical Aztec Skulls. It is believed the skulls, if ever brought together, would spell certain doom to all magical creatures.
    Jake: That's got to be what the Huntsman's been planning. And if he gets ahold of the rest of the skulls...
    Huntsman: (cut back to him at the Huntslair with 10 skulls already in his possession and Rose watching in horror) I shall finally have the power to wipe out magical creatures forever!
