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Quotes / Vinesauce Tomodachi Life News Reports

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The various bizarre news reports from the Vinesauce Tomodachi Life streams.

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    Episodes 1 Through 26 
Ben: "You're watching Mii News."
[The game displays the "Flying Croissant" headline]
Ben: "A UFO was sighted over Vineland Plains."
"'It's a bird!' 'It's a plane!' 'It's a croissant!' These could have been the words the onlookers may have said. It turns out that the flying object was a croissant, just as one onlooker may have suspected.
We asked some islanders from their thoughts on the matter."
Wario: "Really?"
Waluigi: "I was almost interested in that."
Ben: "Thanks for watching! For your 5 o'clock Mii News, this is Ben Drowned, signing off."
From Episode 2, with Ben as the newscaster

Groose: "Hello, and welcome to the evening edition of Mii News!"
[The game displays the "New Toaster Hits the Market" headline]
Groose: "An eye-popping new kitchen gadget is now available in stores nationwide. Your old toaster may soon be as obsolete as unsliced bread!"
"The Almoaster, out yesterday, can toast almost anything. It can even toast honey! Just insert honey, wait three minutes And POP! Perfectly toasted honey comes flying out!"
"We asked some islanders for their thoughts on the matter."
Tingle: "Isn't there anything more interesting going on?"
Waluigi: "In other words, we're having a really slow news day, right?"
Groose: "Thanks for watching! For your 7 o'clock Mii News, this is Groose McLoose, signing off."
From Episode 3, with Groose as the newscaster

Lamb Chop: "You're watching Mii News!"
[The game displays the "New Nail-Art Fashion Tips" headline]
Lamb Chop: ""A radical new design has exploded onto the nail-painting scene.
"You've probably seen nails featuring pebbles on fingers everywhere lately. The style took off after celebrity model Witch wore them as a joke. But now both men and women are into the pebble nails, and it looks like this trend will last."
"We asked some islanders for their thoughts on the matter."
BonziBUDDY: "That story gave me hope for humanity."
Tingle: "That's not really my kind of thing..."
Lamb Chop: "Thanks for watching! For your 5 o'clock Mii News, this is Lamb Chop, signing off."
From Episode 4, with Lamb Chop as the newscaster

Wario: "Good evening! You're watching the midnight edition of Mii News."
[The game displays the "Extreme Eco-Car Revealed" headline]
Wario: "Have you been waiting for a car that's so environmentally friendly it doesn't use any fuel at all? Well, here you go!"
"A large-scale test drive of the wonder car was held for the media and public today. Waluigi, who got to test one of the cars, seemed extremely excited about it and had this to say: 'This should finally solve all of the world's pollution and fuel problems!'"
"We asked some islanders for their thoughts on the matter."
Witch: "Yes, yes... That's amazing."
Tingle: "Isn't there anything more interesting going on?"
Wario: "Thanks for watching! For your 12 o'clock Mii News, this is Wa Rio, signing off."
From Episode 6, with Wario as the newscaster

Witch: "News flash!"
[The game displays the "100 Mii Problems Solved!" headline]
Witch: "We have some wonderful news."
"Vinesauce's look-alike has solved many Mii problems on Vineland Island. In fact, the number of problems solved has finally reached 100! At this very moment, an appreciation ceremony is being held at the Vineland Center. Let's take a look."
BonziBUDDY: "As the island's spokesperson, I would like to say thank you to Vinesauce's look-alike. You solved 100 problems on Vineland Island. As a token of our thanks, please accept this certificate of our appreciation."
Witch: "Thanks for watching!"
From Episode 6, with Witch as the newscaster

    Episode 27 and Later 
"We've got hot news.
This is the end of our hot news. Schnozz reported."
From the Tomodachi Collection corruption stream, with Vineschnoz as the newscaster

"We've got hot news.
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This is the end of our hot news. Schnozz reported."
From the Tomodachi Collection corruption stream, with Vineschnoz as the newscaster
