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Quotes / Thinking Out Loud

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    Comic Books 
I've finally done it. The Justice League are mine. Their thoughts belong to The Key. And with their help, I shall open new doors onto a new universe! Oh, and make a note of an interesting side effect of my expanding consciousness. I can't stop talking to myself…
The Key, JLA (1997), #9

     Fan Works 
'Alright, Soryu, quit dodging the issue. Yeah, losing purity points was fun and you can't wait to do it again, but that's not why you're hiding in the bathroom, afraid to look him in the eye right now, is it? He... said things last night. Made promises. He just did it again. That stupid, clumsy, dense baka... likes you. And you like him. He understands what it feels like. He's just like you. You're not alone. And he wants to stay with you.' "Which is Gott damn terrifying..." she whispered out loud.
Asuka, Advice and Trust, chapter 2

With the lack of people around Asuka had stopped keeping her thoughts inside her own head. Talking aloud helped her feel less... alone.

"He's under control, dammit," Todd whispered, and then pounded his thigh hard enough to make the muscle knot. Talking to yourself was bad shit - crazy people talked to themselves. He had picked up the habit over the last six weeks and didn't seem to be able to break it. He'd caught several people looking at him strangely because of it. A couple of them had been teachers. And that asshole Bernie Everson had come right out and asked him if he was going fruitcrackers. Todd had come very, very close to punching the little pansy in the mouth, and that sort of stuff - brawls, scuffles, punch-outs - was no good. That sort of stuff got you noticed in all the wrong ways. Talking to yourself was bad, right, okay, but-
"The dreams are bad, too," he whispered. He didn't catch himself that time.

    Web Animation 
I have no idea why humans need to speak out loud when they think.
López, Red vs. Blue

    Western Animation 
Megatron: A bargaining chip should remain in play until the game is over, yesss.
Blackarachnia: Why do you always talk to yourself?
Megatron: Ah, I simply have a penchant for... intelligent conversation.
