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Quotes / The End of Ends

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Beast-Boy had nearly no clue of what that meant, but he was so angry, sad, and thirsty for vengeance right now. “I'd be stupid enough NOT to do this.” he [sic] hissed wickedly. Though [what] the book was asking him to do was very risky, and extremely dangerous.
He wasn't sure if he really was able to do it, but after he rethought of all the misery that he already had, and no hope of things ever getting better… and yet again, he was crazy enough. He went for it…
He grabbed the book, and then what he did was… he found a gorge in the valley he was sleeping in. a [sic] very deep one. So deep down, the river below look [sic] like puddle for ants. Beast-Boy took a step to the ledge, and gulped hard.
The wind blew past his face and through his hair. “Tallyho…!” he cried, and JUMPED! He tried his best not to scream, and to resist the urge to change into a bird and fly out at the last minute. The ground was racing toward him from below fast…
The only thing that kept him going was the fact that he was doing this to make things better. Much better! “ DUDE…!!”
His body slammed [into] the muddy ground so hard he actually caused a muddy wave. Then nothing. He lay perfectly still, not moving or breathing, and he was bleeding badly, and his legs were dislocated as well as his arms.
He was finished…!

The stranger merely chuckled.
“What’s so funny?” Terra asked.
“Just of [sic] how ridiculous you sound. Tell me, is this how you always acted where you come from? Is this why you’re on your own now?”
Terra was getting angry [sic] “I have plenty of friends, and I’m well liked, which is more than anyone can say of a rude jerk like you.”
The stranger raised his hand as if to strike her, but didn’t. “That was a warning!” he simply scorned [sic] “Take heed the next time my hand flies. On this planet there are penalties for those who act the way you do.” Then he dragged her along as the skies began to get darker.
The stranger felt he hit a nerve. “It’s no use in hiding it from me, your glumness speaks for itself. You loved someone once and it ended in tragedy because of your own folly!”
Terra was surprised that this stranger knew so much, but she was really growing irritated. “I don’t want to talk about this anymore. It’s too painful!”
Life is pain!” yelled the stranger [sic] “And anyone who tells you differently is blinded by ignorance and lacks proper intelligence.”
The stranger knew these feelings all too well. He knew how it felt to be jerked around by people who you thought were close to you. When you put your trust in someone and eventually they just turn on you and utterly crush your spirits, your hopes, your beliefs, and your heart and soul into a million pieces [it is] completely irreparable. “You say your so-called beloved had died…” he said [sic] “As shame [sic] as that must feel to you, perhaps it is for the best. Now he no longer has to endure anymore pain and hardship, and what’s more, he doesn’t have to face you!”
