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Quotes / Suicidal Overconfidence

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"On three separate occasions, Drake wonders aloud why the baddies consistently prioritize killing him over their personal safety — enacting gun battles in collapsing buildings, sinking ships, dangling out the back of a plane, and on the surface of a flaming meteorite that's speeding towards a lion."

"Tenno Heika Banzai!!!"
Banzai Chargers, Call of Duty: World at War

"No one can fault their bravery. Only their results."
Bremen, Boatmurdered, describing one of the battles with the elephants

"Even though there's absolutely no chance of success, I'm gonna defy logic and attack you anyway!"

"They never learn!"

"...Have you thought this through?"
Laguna, when facing a low-leveled opponent, Dissidia Final Fantasy

"...You sure?"
Cloud, facing a weaker foe, Dissidia Final Fantasy

"Why they insist on thinking they can kill people like you and the Warden, I will never guess."
Zevran, Dragon Age II

"1795 AD: A pirate ship attacks the battleship USS Booyeah. Historians refer to this as "The Battle of Lolololol"

"Your lack of fear displays ignorance, not bravado."

"It's Vader! Let's take him out!"
an anonymous Rebel soldier, Star Wars: Battlefront II

"Does it count as bravery if you have no understanding of what you're doing?"

Trevor: Alright, bandito dorito, you get to run away. At this point, killing's gettin' gratuitous. And I'm trying to make our paladin.
Bandit: Fuck you, twinkie! You're going down!
Trevor: Did you miss the part where I wiped out your friends? Fuck off.
Bandit: I can take ya!
Trevor: No offense buddy, but you're like a common bandit. I used to get hired to ice you people for pocket change. Nowadays, I hunt literal giants.
Bandit: Still a chance!
Trevor: It ain't even about the money, man. It's a hobby.
Bandit: I believe in myself!
Trevor: Not sure if you're tremendously dumb or insanely brave.
Bandit: Have at thee!
The Weekly Roll Low in CR? Compensate with stupidity or bravery (Trevor turned him into an octopus instead)

When RPGs were far simpler and your enemies were just a bunch of pixels with no voice lines, it was easier to ignore stuff like the enemy group being made of spiders, goblins and ghosts fighting side-by-side.

But as games evolved, moved to 3d and the enemy stopped being "mobs" to be people with motivations and dialogues you start to also expect them to behave more human-like. So when your Avatar of Death incarnate walk around mounted on a T-Rex while holding Excalibur on one hand and a BFG 9000 on another those street thugs would stop bothering you.
