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Quotes / Strangled by the Red String

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Ann: I thought maybe you and I could catch up.
Jack: I'm catching up with someone else. (looks towards Tom Boss, the unrepentant Big Bad of the previous storyline)
Ann: But I don't understand.
Jack: Nor do I. That's just how feelings work.
Ann: But you hate him.
Jack: Love and hate don't mean anything, they're just words we use to describe meaningful feelings.
Ann: He killed your wife!
Jack: (with a shrug) No-one's perfect.

Plinkett: Next Anakin murders women and children error beep, brings a corpse home beep, and goes on a psychotic megalomaniacal rant beep.
Anakin: "Why'd she have to die?" beep "I will be the most powerful Jedi ever!" beep "I will even learn to stop people from dying!" beep "He’s JEALOUS!" beep "I killed them." beep "They're dead." beep "And the children too." beep "And I slaughtered them like animals!" beep
Padme: "To be angry is to be human..."
[Anakin looks at her to say something] beep
Plinkett: And then, even though Anakin's strikes far outweigh his successes, she still marries the guy after knowing him for only like 3 days. Y'know what? I take it all back. I take back every piece of criticism I ever said about the guy. George Lucas, I present you with the "Totally and Completely Understands Women" trophy. You've earned it my friend. You’ve earned it.
Mr. Plinkett of RedLetterMedia, judging Anakin's attempt to woo Padme in Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones'

David: [after having heard Sydney speak for about 30 seconds, never having met her before] Do you want to be my girlfriend?
Syd: [thinks about it for a bit] Okay.
Legion (2017), "Chapter 1"

oh and it also turns out that Fistograph was the head of the protest outside the mansion earlier that's very important because now we know that she's a conventionally attractive character and main element of the story and in a feud with another main character of the opposite sex so they're gonna bang at the end of the thing because poor writing

Kirito: Hi.
Asuna: Hi!
Kirito: You wanna get married?
Asuna: OK!
Kirito: You wanna have sex?
Asuna: OK!

"I feel like Friends in season eight, out of ideas and forcing Joey and Rachel together, even though it made no sense."
Michael, The Good Place

"The story is nearing its end, so I'd better Pair the Spares! Did any of these couples share even a single scene together? Did any of these last-minute matchups share even a drop of chemistry? Well, it doesn't matter. Hit 'em and ship 'em. No time to worry about anything else."
Terrible Writing Advice, "LOVE INTERESTS"

Screenwriter: So then Rey dies.
Producer: Oh! Okay.
Screenwriter: But then it turns out Ben isn't dead because falling off of things doesn't really mean anything in Star Wars.
Producer: Right.
Screenwriter: And then he transfers some life force to Rey so she wakes up.
Producer: Woooow, they should kiss!
Screenwriter: What?
Producer: They should have a little kissy-kiss! Mwah!
Screenwriter: Well I don't really know that there was, like, a romantic...
Producer: Make them kiss!
Screenwriter: Okay, yeah, so they kiss.

"Five seconds of sympathy or savior complexes in hours or days of arguing does not. Equal. Chemistry! Especially when one of them puts the other one in a chokehold, and they're nine!"

"Romance was always a big aspect of Archie Sonic due to the presence of Sally and the surprisingly large female audience. In most cases, Penders' love stories could be summarized as 'these two characters are in love because I said so.' We rarely saw why any of the couples liked each other. The plot simply dictated it."

Lissa: I knew you wouldn't leave Olivia. Not after your whole whirlwind romance... Hee hee... Turn my back for one minute and you're married. The next minute? A baby!
Chrom: A lot can happen in two years, Lissa. One day, you'll understand.

"Look, Elise planting a magical kiss of life on Sonic will always be the most memorable scene of the game, for all the wrong reasons. But I'd argue that even if Elise was, I don't know, a badger mole or something, this would still be an uncomfortably awkward pairing. The way Sonic himself is written is as much a part of that as anything else. He doesn't outwardly reciprocate Elise's feelings… but he doesn't reject them either, and seeing the character act this way just seems forced for the sake of… "romance". Across all his myriad of universes, Sonic had always been portrayed as direct and straightforward. He doesn't have the patience for anything else, so "what ya see is what ya get". But here, what ya see is hard to get, and that's no good.


"The fact is, shoehorning a fairytale love story into the centerpiece of the plot of a Sonic game isn't just stupid, it's a complete tonal mismatch for the character and the series. But I will give the game some small measure of credit. On the rare occasion that she's not being held captive, or gallivanting around with Sonic on the Windows XP background, Elise's backstory and character is given a surprising amount of depth and focus. Surprising in that she has any at all, but she does end up being the most well-defined, well-characterized person in this mess. If Elise hadn't been so irrevocably tied to Sonic, if she had just been her own character with a little more agency, this princess of a kingdom under siege struggling to live up to the unrealistic expectations put upon her— and above all, if she had never, ever done this— then Elise might be remembered as one of the few bright spots in this disaster of a plot. Still not great, still not something at all suited for a Sonic game, but a hypothetical bright spot is a hypothetical bright spot."

Jammet: So whatchu goin' (to Japan) for?
Max: Isn't obvious? I'm in love with Miko!
Jammet: You're? In love?
Max: Yes, I am. She's my world.
Jammet: You've known her one day, she can't even be your ZIP code!
Capitol Critters: A Little Romance

Anna falls in love with Sideburns here and they decide to get married, so she goes to her sister and she's like "Uhhh, so I met this guy like 5 minutes ago, and we decided to get married, so can I have your blessing?" And [Elsa's] like "What the fuck, bitch? No! N- you JUST met this guy!"
