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Quotes / Pirate Booty

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This is Deadman's secret key:
Ringwood, Smallbeer, and Gur
Joe Longfoot, The Smugglers

We pillage, we plunder, we rifle and loot
Drink up, me hearties, yo ho!
We kidnap and ravage, and don't give a hoot
Drink up, me hearties, yo ho!

Zack Addy: So you believe in pirates.
Jack Hodgins: Pirates aren't Santa, Zack. They did exist, they did have treasure, and they did bury it.
Bones 1x18, The Man With The Bone

Captain Avery: Have you seen treasure?
Masked Beauty: No...
Captain Avery: Then you can't understand the joy of piracy. That moment, when you hold so much, and it's all, suddenly, yours!
Pirates, documentary series produced by David Cohen.

Green Kroc: Why does we bury the treasure, Kaptain?
Kaptain Skurvy: Why does we bury the treasure... Why does we bury the treasure!? We be pirates, it be treasure! So we be buryin' the treasure!
