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Quotes / Magitek

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    Comic Books 

"Superwoman was infused with several strains of alien D.N.A. using a combination of science and magic, giving her extraterrestrial abilities."
Dr. Light, Supergirl: Bizarrogirl

    Fan Works 

Not magic instead of technology, it's magic used as technology. Brilliant!
The Doctor, Time Lords and Terror

    Films - Live Action 

"Your ancestors called it magic...and you call it science. Well, I come from a place where they're one and the same thing."

Jane Foster: That's a quantum field generator, isn't it?
Asgardian Doctor: It's a soul forge.
Jane: Does a "soul forge" transfer molecular energy from one place to another?
Asgardian Doctor: Yes.
Jane:(whispers to Thor) Quantum field generator.


Don't ever mix juju with technology. There is witchcraft in science and a science to witchcraft. Both will conspire against you eventually.

    Live Action TV 

Giles: There's a demon in the Internet.
Ms. Calendar: I know.
Giles: You know?
Ms. Calendar: Come on, there've been portents for days. I mean, power surges, online shutdowns... You should see the bones I've been casting. I knew this would happen sooner or later. I mean, it's probably a mischief demon, y'know, like Kelkor, or...
Giles: It's Moloch.
Ms. Calendar: The Corrupter? Oh, boy. I shoulda remembered, I just don't...
Giles: Uh... You don't seem exactly surprised by... Who are you?
Ms. Calendar: I teach computer science at the local high school.
Giles: A profession that hardly lends itself to the casting of bones.
Ms. Calendar: Wrong and wrong, snobby. You think the realm of the mystical is limited to ancient texts and relics? That bad old science made the magic go away? Mm. The divine exists in cyberspace same as out here.
Giles: Are you a witch?
Ms. Calendar: Mm. I don't have that kinda power. 'Technopagan' is the term. There are more of us than you think.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, "I Robot, You Jane"

Tina: An electrical current just traveled from your neural pathways into the staff and made that happen.
Nico: You can explain it anyway you want, but it needed my blood and read my mind. It's just like Wicca.
Tina: It is science, Nico.
Nico: If by "science" you mean high-tech magic, then sure.

    Tabletop Games 

The base chassis of the pistol is composed of a shaft of polished yew exactly six and one half inches in length, of square cross-section and width two inches, already prepared with the aforementioned clockwork action and barrel assembly. To the end opposite the barrel is attached by means of Joint Method II(a) a handle crafted from oak or yew to the ergonomics of the proposed wielder of the weapon, this part not being detrimental to the appearance of the salamander within the finished product.

When the Immortal Newton first determined the nature of the Fixed Stars and their angels, the four great kingdoms of his world were hurled into a race to attain the other worlds and gain access to their gemstones. Building on the skills which had created craft like the sky-cutter … they ended up with fleets of craft resembling galleons made of pale coppery metal. The ships are empowered by outsized alchemical furnaces to rise above the lower airs to a realm where the pure angelic mathematics propounded by Newton held sway unimpeded.
GURPS Vehicles: Transports of Fantasy

    Video Games 

It's hard to say whether this is magical or mechanical. Or both.


Merlin: You know, Morgan, there are some worlds where people use only magic or only technology, not both.
Morgan: Really? How do they break the light barrier?


"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

"Any sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
Larry Niven's corollary to Clarke's Third Law
