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Quotes / Made of Indestructium

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"The problem with adamantium is that once you've processed its raw, liquid form — you've got to keep it that way. You've got to keep it hot. Because once it cools... it's indestructible."
William Stryker, X2: X-Men United

"It is so durable that it never degrades, testing the patience of Time itself. Traditional weapons are useless against it; it is easier to put dents in the laws of physics than in its surface.... It's easier to make tiny changes to reality than it is to change darksteel. You change the fact of its shape rather than alter the metal itself."

"Well it'll take a lot longer to get through the blast door," said Captain Proton. "It's made of neutronium, the hardest substance in the universe. Mined from the heart of a collapsed star in violation of all scientific plausibility."
"OK wiseguy," said Kincaid. "If neutronium's the hardest substance in the universe, how were they able to slice it up into door-shaped bits?"

Of course, that still left me with the problem of being one mile high... So I counted on being able to glide down with my cape — knowing my still indestructible costume would take the brunt of my impact in the lake!

"It's the hardest stuff anybody has ever made. If you set off one hundred successive atom blasts over a lump of permallium, you might crystallize and scale maybe a micron off the surface. It will stand any temperature or pressure we can produce. That just means there's no way to destroy it."
The Stutterer, by RR Merliss

Here was a mark where an atomic bomb had hit it, there was a scar where possibly a plane had crashed into it leaving the charred remnants of oil and fuel. There was a row of minute dents where surface-to-air or air-to-air missiles had struck it. But such marks were notable only for their stains, not for any damage they had done.
Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000, by L. Ron Hubbard

"Vibranium. It's stronger than steel and a third the weight. It's completely vibration absorbent."

"It's a Wii! It's not even scratched!"
Pokémon Black and White, upon interacting with the Wii in the player's bedroom... after a Pokémon battle that trashes the rest of the room.

"The Famorian created it to withstand the scouring of their world. They made it more than durable. They made its existence a fact."
Mah Yun, about the Immutable Vessel, The Sword Interval

Iron is soft and gold is dim,
Smooth marble coarse, shining silver thin.
Metal must fail, stone beauty lack,
Beside the gift, the diamond black.

It cannot be shaped, it cannot be tamed,
However it's found, so it is framed.
Too hard to break and too true to melt,
The Humbler thwarts arts of smith and smelt.
