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Quotes / Living Lie Detector

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"She's a pathological liar. I can't stand to listen to her talk, and it's not just the accent which I know for a fact she plays up on purpose, it's the little alarm bell in my head ringing and ringing and ringing and ringing."
Maggie, Luminosity

Hyde: Why do you want this job, Miss Poppins?
Katherine: It's interesting — clearly unique, in fact. It's an opportunity—
Hyde: [singsong] She's talking, she's lying, she's telling a tale and she's dying!
Katherine: Why do you say I'm lying?
Hyde: Your heart rate just went up; pitter-patter, pitter-patter, boom, boom, boom!

Aliser Thorne: You always know when a man is telling a lie. How did you acquire this magical power?
Maester Aemon: I grew up in King's Landing.

Lying Cat, Saga

"Do not attempt to lie to me, I will know."
Alarielle the Everqueen, Total War: Warhammer II

"Over the years, I've cultivated a very special talent, Reynie. I can tell with complete accuracy when a person is lying. The syncopated breathing, the subtle sheen of perspiration on the forehead, the darting of the eyes, the ever-so-slight dilation of the pupils. It's as clear as day. So I suggest you start with the truth, continue with the truth and then end with the truth."
Dr. L. D. Curtain to Reynard Muldoon, The Mysterious Benedict Society

Nora: Hannah, I did exactly what you said, okay? I've been lying my pants off like a pro, everything was going great...
Hannah: Of course it was.
Nora: Until I find out that, of all the bands on the planet, I have the ONE whose guitarist is a free-loving, hippie LIE DETECTOR!
Hannah: Uh oh.
Nora: I know! I-I work in showbiz, okay?! I'm never gonna make it if I can't lie!
The Muppets Mayhem, "True Colors"
