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Quotes / Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas

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Ben: Hondo, perhaps reconsider this. We were going to handle this discreetly—
Hondo: This will not stand! They have insulted my mother! How could they do such a thing! Scoundrels!

"Made it, Ma! Top of the world!"
Cody Jarrett, last words, White Heat

"It didn't impress me, as I've known several villains who were kind to animals and even more who loved their mothers."

"Strong mother fixations tend to be a big plus, so remember mom well."

"Sir, I love my mama!"

"I'd like you to know that I agree with every word you said. [...] Unfortunately, you killed my mother."

"A boy's best friend is his mother."
Norman Bates, Psycho

"I've always liked you Byron, but you never know when to shut up. Even bad men love their mommas."

"Thirty years of karate. Combat experience on five continents. A rating with every weapon that shoots a bullet or holds an edge. Still haven't found any defense against Mom crying into my shirt."
Michael Westen, Burn Notice

Hopper: I swear, if I hadn't promised Mother on her deathbed that I wouldn't kill you, I would kill you!
Molt: And believe me, no one appreciates that more than I do.
Hopper: Shut up! I don't wanna hear another word out of you while we're on this island. Do you understand me? [Molt whimpers] I said, do you understand me?!
Molt: Well, how can I answer? You said I couldn't say another word! [Hopper growls with increasing rage and raises his fist] AAH! REMEMBER MA!
(Hopper spins around and punches another grasshopper to the ground)

"Never fails with these big, dumb types! If you can't get 'em with the manhood, get 'em with the mother!"
Jack Justice, at finally succeeding at provoking dumb muscle into attacking blindly, Black Jack Justice

"Mommy wouldn't have liked that we gore someone in the house so we do it outside."

"My mother...Oh yes, I had a mother. Wonderful woman. Truly evil person. She had a saying. "Baybe," she used to say... she called me Baybe. "Baybe," she used to say, "treat every hour as though it's your last." I'll be back in an hour, Vila."
Bayben the Butcher, Blake's 7

Galvanax: (looking through suggestions for the Monster of the Week): This one's a strong one, but too ugly.
Ripcon: Hey! That's my mother you're talking about.

Wilson Fisk: You're a man of principle, of conviction. I understand that, I even admire it. But you went after my mother. That's not something that I can forgive.
Ben Urich: I wrote a lot of stories in my years pushing ink. You know how many times people have threatened me get me to keep my mouth shut?
Wilson Fisk: But this is my mother that you brought into this, Mr. Urich. My mother! So I am not here to threaten you. I'm here to kill you!

"All good pirates listen to their Mom!"

"I think Arlene might have come up to his room that night, and maybe had a talk with Lex. I'm not sure of that, but Lex told me that, no matter what, he never hated his mother. And he didn't think his mother ever hated him."
Nasthalthia Luthor, Kara of Rokyn

Champ Kind: I will smash your face into a car windshield, and then take your mother, Dorothy Mantooth, out for a nice seafood dinner and never call her again!
Wes Mantooth: Dorothy Mantooth is a saint! You understand me? Dorothy Mantooth is a saint!
Ron Burgundy: Hey, let's leave the mothers out of this.

Hugh: He loved his mother.
Maisie: Why do you say that?
Hugh: It's the only good thing I can think of to say about him.

"Kronika was dead, the Hourglass taken, and Edenia's future mine to command. I had obtained all I had wanted. All except that which I had wanted most: to know the true story of my parentage. That I was a bastard, I knew. Born of an illicit affair between the Edenian god Argus, and a mortal woman, Amara. But what I didn't know, until the Hourglass showed me, was that I and my mother were both victims. She hadn't abandoned me. Thanks to my father's lies, she had thought me stillborn. I was stolen away and left to rot among peasants, while my mother died from grief. Argus hid his scandal and his shame by killing the only person who ever loved me. For that, he will die. As will his sons, Taven and Daegon. His beloved wife, Delia? She, I will let live. Let her heart break, as my mother's did, as she weeps over her children's corpses."

Dahlia Gillespie: Why didn't she take me? Like the others?
Rose Da Silva: Because you're her mother. Mother is God in the eyes of a child.

And though it may cause my patients distress
Somewhere... Somewhere in heaven above me...
I know... I know that my momma's proud of me.
"Oh, Momma..."
Dr. Orin Scrivello, DDS. Little Shop of Horrors

"They came into my house. They disrespected my abuelita... They called her "biznatch!" And they just walk? Uh-uh!"
Tuco Salamanca, Better Call Saul
