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Quotes / Better than a Bare Bulb

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"...much of the dialogue in my comics are born simply from my characters pointing out the flaws in my own logic."

"What I'm doing is wrong, I know it's wrong, but I'm going to do it anyway."

"I am an evil overlord getting ready for the final battle with my sub-boss squad after clipping all the plot coupons and nailing down my heel turn! I have no time for lampshades! Just hang them somewhere or do whatever you want."
Jade, dismissing a shipping error, Queen of All Oni

"[Cogburn] is so clearly ripped off C-3PO that at one point Mark Wahlberg says to him "Oi! C-3PO ripoff!" — because Michael Bay's idea of "funny" is to do something profoundly stupid and then point at it and say it out loud."

"Why do these people think, like, acknowledging your problems somehow solves them magically?"

Producer Guy: How does he (Michael) know how to drive if he's been in an institution since the age of six?
Screenwriter Guy: Yeah, it doesn't make much sense, right? Plus, he's gonna spend the first hour of the movie driving around town. He's very good at driving.
Producer Guy: So how does he know how to drive?
Screenwriter Guy: Right? It makes no sense. Dr. Loomis is gonna talk to one of the employees at the sanitarium and be like, "Who taught this guy how to drive?"
Producer Guy: And what's the explanation?
Screenwriter Guy: We're never going to explain it or bring it up again, but because a character pointed out that it makes no sense, it's okay.

Producer Guy: And does just pointing out that the writing wasn't very good make it better in some way?
Screenwriter Guy: God, I hope so!

"What's that? "Utterly implausible", you say? "Even more far-fetched than the charisma monsters?" Well, go ahead—but the more you question the science, the more I'm gonna lampshade it."
