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Playing With / Your Princess Is in Another Castle!

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Basic Trope: A work makes you think that you've reached the end, but something suddenly reveals that the plot isn't over.

  • Straight: In Bob the Savior, Bob has defeated King Evulz in a climactic battle. The party gathers and is about to celebrate... but then Emperor Bill Ain appears and announces that the war is far from over now that he's in command. Bob and the gang still have a ways to go until the world can really find peace.
  • Exaggerated: Bob kills King Evulz extremely early in a Curb-Stomp Battle. Then it turns out that man was a fake, so Evulz is still alive, and Bob has to start over again.
  • Downplayed: Bob appears to have killed Evulz, and just when he and his party leave to celebrate, Evulz stands up again and offers a final confrontation that only takes one fatal blow from Bob to finish. Now the work has ended.
  • Justified: Emperor Bill Ain was counting on Bob to kill Evulz, so he was ready to give The Reveal when the time came.
  • Justified/Exaggerated: Evulz restocked at various castles and left a decoy to buy himself some time at each.
  • Inverted: Bob the Savior suddenly ends in an anticlimactic way.
  • Subverted: A viewer knows that the franchise Bob the Savior belongs to uses a Strictly Formula where every story takes two battles to conclude. The first one just did, and the viewer is shocked to learn that that really was the end of the story. No second battle.
  • Double Subverted: Just when the viewer started thinking that Bob the Savior was over, Emperor Bill Ain appears and announces his intention to continue the war, forcing a second battle.
  • Parodied: There are many, many levels that all end in an extremely similar battle with King Evulz, to the point where characters keep walking past them out of annoyance.
  • Zig Zagged: Bob the Savior keeps confusing the audience with the opponents getting up after they were taken for dead and then falling back on the floor, and standing up, and falling over... And this happens in just about any ordinary battle.
  • Averted: Bob the Savior ends when Bob finishes Evulz in the climactic battle. No surprises here.
  • Enforced: The higher ups want to introduce a twist in Bob the Savior so the audience thinks it's all over when in reality things just have started.
  • Lampshaded: Bob tells Bill Ain: "You've got to be kidding me! You made us think we were done for killing Evulz just for you to show up here and pull a fast one on us?!".
  • Invoked: Evulz pulls in the ending screen to make Bob think he's won, just to attack Bob when he's in a relaxed state.
  • Exploited: One of Evulz' minions runs away as soon as Evulz prepares the ending, counting on Evulz fighting Bob and not keeping track of his minions.
  • Defied: Bob pulls some strings so his trusty companions go investigate Evulz's boss, Bill Ain. They get rid of him before Bob kills King Evulz to ensure the war ends for real.
  • Discussed: "You know, sometimes the villain pulls a fast one by making you think you've defeated him, only for his army to take on his quest and continue the war".
  • Conversed: "Holy shit! Did you look at that?! The show is not over! Those darn writers...".
  • Implied:

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