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Playing With / Voluntary Vampire Victim

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Basic Trope: Someone voluntarily agrees to feed someone's Horror Hunger or satisfy their need to feed on human energies.

  • Straight: Alice willingly allows Vorlack the Vampire to feed on her.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Alice gets herself genetically modified for accelerated blood production so she can feed Vorlack and his vampire buddies.
    • Alice opens a blood vessel, pins a weakened (likely due to starving himself) Vorlack down, and makes him drink.
  • Downplayed:
    • While slicing an apple and hanging out with Vorlack, Alice accidentally cuts her finger. She contemplates the wound for a second, then offers, "Want a taste?" Vorlack accepts, then seals the wound with coagulants from his fangs.
    • Giving blood to vampires is a paying job.
  • Justified:
    • Vampires have read Aesop's Fables, specifically the one about the golden-egg-laying goose, and concluded that they'll be better fed if they befriend humanity instead of draining peoples' blood to a lethal extent.
    • Either Alice is in pain for a little while, or someone dies. Alice doesn't want someone else's death on her conscience.
    • Vorlack is hiding his vampirism, and Alice is his Secret-Keeper. Either Alice gives Vorlack his blood, or he'll have to (lethally or nonlethally) pick off a random stranger and risk exposing his secret.
    • Vorlack saved Alice from a more vicious and feral vampire. Giving him a bit of blood now and then is nothing.
    • Alice accidentally destroyed Vorlack's legally obtained supply of blood and vowed to make repairs before Vorlack even had a chance to convince her otherwise.
  • Inverted: Alice is a succubus who gains power from Vorlack's Kiss of the Vampire. When they hunt each other, they find out that neither of them can weaken the other.
  • Subverted: Alice seemingly lets Vorlack feed on her, except it turns out he's using vampiric hypnosis to make it seem consensual.
  • Double Subverted: ... Except it turns out vampiric hypnosis can't make their victims act uncharacteristically, thus Alice would willingly let Vorlack feed on her anyways.
  • Parodied: AL1C3, hearing Vorlack's sorry tale, willingly bares her neck to him- And only belatedly remembers she doesn't have human blood, with Vorlack desperately scraping at his tongue to get her machine oils off.
  • Zig Zagged: See Questionable Consent (usually applied to sex, but Tropes Are Flexible)
  • Averted:
    • Vampires are Always Chaotic Evil and never bother to try feeding without mind control.
    • There are no vampires.
  • Enforced: Vampires are being used as a metaphor for An Aesop on consent, sexual or otherwise, and communication of such.
  • Lampshaded: "Wow now, you willingly let a bloodsucker at your neck? I'm not sure if that's brave or suicidal."
  • Invoked: Alice has Complete Immortality and figures it'll be safer for everyone if Vorlack feeds on her blood, since she'll never run out.
  • Exploited: Bob, envious of Alice & Vorlack's relationship, provides photos of their consensual feeding without providing any of the actual context, resulting in people assuming Vorlack has dominated Alice's mind.
  • Defied: "Look, you're a nice guy and all, but being a vampire is like an STD so... Rather not risk it."
  • Discussed: "Hey, since organ transplants are a pretty common thing and people donate blood all the time..." "You're suggesting that people should willingly let vampires feed on them? Sounds risky, but I'm sure it'll ultimately save more lives."
  • Conversed: "I get that vampires can be all 'sexy', but it just sounds stupid to let one bite you at all." "Well, depending on how vampirism works, any volunteers may be perfectly safe from becoming vampires or their thralls."
  • Implied: Alice has two small circular scars on her neck, which seem to become inflamed whenever she's done having... "Private" time with her albino boyfriend Vorlack.
  • Deconstructed: Every time Alice lets Vorlack bite her and drink her blood she becomes more & more vampiric. Thus, her attempt to be helpful ultimately makes things worse since she'll inevitably start craving blood too.
  • Reconstructed: While under normal circumstances one becomes a vampire by being fed on by one, it is possible to prevent the change-and thus Alice just needs to remember to take her anti-vampirification medication after letting Vorlack feed on her.
  • Played For Laughs: Bumbling Bob tries to rescue Alice from Vorlack despite her protests that it really isn't necessary. Vorlack facepalms and grumbles that this happens every week.
  • Played For Drama: Since vampires normally don't feed on the same person twice, they don't develop any particular tastes. However, having spent all these years feeding on Alice's blood has caused Vorlack to specifically crave her blood- And thus he's very reluctant if not outright unwilling to drink the blood of anyone else, causing him to eventually starve into madness and fragility.

If you're starting to get hungry, go that way for a Voluntary Vampire Victim
