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Playing With / Two Girls to a Team

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Basic Trope: A majority-male team has two female members.

  • Straight: Troper Tales protagonists Alice, Bob, Carrie, Dylan, and Ed make up a five-man team, with Alice and Carrie being the two girls.
  • Exaggerated: The five-man team is part of a bigger organization, and Alice and Carrie are the only female members.
  • Downplayed: The team has an occasional Sixth Ranger, the female Flora, who is around for some adventures, but most of the time the only women on the team are Alice and Carrie.
  • Justified:
    • Alice and Carrie are the only female members is because they like to hang out with the boys all the time rather than the girls.
    • Alice and Carrie are mother and daughter respectively in the Super Family Team, and while Alice and Bob may want another daughter, now is not a good time for that.
  • Inverted: Alexander and Carson are the two men in a team of five; their other teammates are all women.
  • Subverted:
  • Double Subverted:
    • ...but then Carrie leaves, making Alice and Flora the two girls.
    • ...he returns later on, making Alice and Carrie outnumbered again.
    • ...but then it's revealed Alice was a man in disguise, making Carrie and Dylan the two girls.
  • Parodied: Frank later joins the team, then Alice pulls an Oh, Crap! once she realizes the 2:3 gender ratio is broken, and two more women and men are immediately hired.
  • Zig Zagged: The roster undergoes frequent changes, so sometimes there are two girls to a team; sometimes there aren't.
  • Averted:
  • Enforced: The writers of Troper Tales don't want to fall into The Smurfette Principle, so they add in another woman to ease the sex ratio.
  • Lampshaded: "It's just us girls, huh, Alice?"
  • Invoked: Alice, who is sick of being the only female member, demands that they recruit Carrie.
  • Exploited: Irma manipulates Alice, Bob, Dylan, and Ed into adding Carrie to their team because the ritual requires three male and two female sacrifices and she has a trap waiting just for them...
  • Defied:
  • Discussed:
    Bob: Our team's like all those shows, having just two women.
  • Conversed:
    Gina: Do you think Carrie will join the team on Troper Tales?
    Harold: Yeah, those kinds of shows always have two women, because the writers don't want to have just one, but they don't want to have more either.
  • Implied: Alice rattles off her teammates' names (Bob, Carrie, Dylan, and Ed), but not their sexes; we're just led to assume she and Carrie are the only women (and Bob, Dylan, and Ed are not Gender Blender Names).

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