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Playing With / Two Aliases, One Character

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Basic Trope: Two separate characters were revealed to be the same person.

  • Straight: Alex and Emperor Evulz were the same person all along.
  • Exaggerated: So is Lord Bad, C.C. Executive, Bob, Charlie...
  • Downplayed: Alex Black and Alex White are revealed to be the same person.
  • Justified:
    • Alex did not want to let people know he's actually the Big Bad, so he created an alias called "Emperor Evulz".
    • Alex has multiple personalities, each of whom seems to gain control of Alex's body at different times and without the knowledge of the other personalities.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted: Alex and Emperor Evulz are two different people, and the former is The Starscream to the latter.
  • Double Subverted: Alex kills Emperor Evulz and takes on his identity.
  • Parodied: Every last one of the large cast turns out to be Alex, who is trying to entertain himself.
  • Zig Zagged: The heroes unmask Emperor Evulz, only to discover that he was Alex all along. Except that's not actually Alex; it's a Voluntary Shapeshifter attempting to sew distrust between Alex and his friends... a shapeshifter hired by Emperor Evulz, AKA Alex, to give himself Plausible Deniability.
  • Averted: No one has a secret identity.
  • Enforced: "So far, our villain looks like something out of a really lame children's adventure story. Realistically, he should have a secret identity."
  • Lampshaded: "There is no Emperor Evulz. It was me all along."
  • Invoked: Alex invents an evil alter ego.
  • Exploited: Someone talks trash about Emperor Evulz in front of Alex to expose how unusually nervous he is about the subject.
  • Defied: Alex abandons his alter ego.
  • Discussed: "I think Emperor Evulz is really Alex. They sure do sound alike."
  • Conversed: "So all this time, Emperor Evulz was Alex? I should have known; they certainly looked like the same actor."
  • Implied: Alex and Emperor Evulz have the same voice and are never seen together.

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