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Playing With / Throw-Away Country

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Basic Trope: A country that undergoes a particularly nasty disaster, is only referred to that one time and never brought up again; basically a Red Shirt Country.

  • Straight: Troperitania is devastated by The Plague created by Emperor Evulz, and is only mentioned once in an evanescent reference when the news anchor cites the effects of said plague.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed:
    • There is an ongoing, very long war in Troperitania against Emperor Evulz' Army of Adversity, which is occasionally covered on TV as statistics, like this:
    News anchor: "X people died in yesterday's bombing in the marketplace of Indexis City, the capital of Troperitania, and the Army of Adversity is one of the main suspects behind it..."
    • Only a town or a village is levelled, and it gets some coverage.
  • Justified:
    • Well, sometimes there are more important matters than a small country away from major powers suffering a war or an epidemic...
    • Evulz is secretly greasing the TV executives' palms so that no one would know about his dirty business in Troperitania.
  • Inverted:
    • Troperitania is in focus of all the planet's media, and a small-time shoplifting in Indexis City sets off alarm on an international level.
    • Suddenly Significant City
  • Subverted: A major country is subject to be the first for destruction by Evulz to show his willingness to go anywhere to reach his goal.
  • Double Subverted: But Evulz changes his mind and delivers his first blow to a small, minor state, reasoning that he can as well show his power on an insignificant place and get the bigger ones to surrender to him.
  • Parodied:
    News anchor: The newly discovered virus claimed over 9,000,000 lives in a matter of days... (everyone stares in horror) most of these in Troperitania, Mbatswango, Wut'nham. No United Federation citizens are harmed... (everyone sighs in relief)
  • Zig Zagged: Troperitania's calamities are well-lit by the media, while Mbatswango's... aren't. Or vice versa.
  • Averted:
    • No countries are treated as expendable in the show. Or are destroyed, for that matter.
    • Even if an unlucky country undergoes destruction, it gets proper coverage and/or plays an important enough role in the plot.
  • Enforced: "How can we show that the villain is not kidding around with his threats and not to make him piss everyone off too early? Why, let him execute his Doomsday Device on a tiny, obscure country somewhere far away!"
  • Lampshaded: "Nobody's gonna miss your teeny-tiny country if somethin' bad happens to it, am I right?"
  • Invoked: ???
  • Exploited: Evulz sets up his base in Troperitania, knowing that nobody is going to care about it if something happens there.
  • Defied: Heroes "R" Us constantly keep their eyes on Troperitania as the most likely place for Evulz' base.
  • Discussed:
    Harry the Hero: "So Troperitania is being razed by Emperor Evulz' henchmen. I wonder whether they're gonna give it any coverage?"
    • Alternatively:
      Evulz: "Where can I test my newly acquired Doomsday Device without catching the ire of everyone on Earth? Hmm, how about Troperitania?"
  • Conversed: "Why in the earth do showrunners tend to treat countries that are not their own like dirt, easily letting them go?"
  • Implied: Evulz is briefly mentioned to conquer and/or destroy a few planets or countries in the past.
  • Played For Laughs:
    Emperor Evulz (addressing the world leaders): ...And if my requirements aren't fullfilled in 24 hours, I've a secret weapon with which I'll make the nation of Troperitania go extinct! (Beat)
    A politician in audience: Wait a moment — do we even have Troperitania on globe? Anyone knows where exactly it is?
  • Played For Drama: Troperitania's destruction and its undertreatment by media shows everyone's selfishness and negligence towards anything that doesn't intersect with their interests.

See the Throw-Away Country again, which only exists to be devoured by the Big Bad. Or the nature.
