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Playing With / Thriving Ghost Town

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Basic Trope: A town (usually in an RPG video game) has far fewer people than it should, based on its size and productivity.

  • Straight: Bob goes to a town, revealed to have a population of 1000, but he sees and interacts with only 10 people.
  • Exaggerated: Bob goes to a town, revealed to have a population of 6 million, but he sees and interacts with only one or two people.
  • Downplayed: In a town said to hold 100, Bob sees and interacts with 50 people.
  • Justified:
    • Only a few people are allowed outside the town buildings.
    • The Player Character only needs to visit the parts of the town that are relevant to the plot, and the plot-important areas of the town happen to be the most remote.
    • Thanks to everyone in the town being multiple, there are only 10 people visible at any time, but every body holds an average of 100 different consciousnesses.
    • The town was recently built by a group of settlers.
    • The town's main source of income is the export of goods, so most locals are busy delivering products to another towns.
    • It's 1:00 p.m.., most are at work.
    • It's midnight, most are in bed.
  • Inverted: Bob goes to a town, revealed to have a population of 10, and somehow has 1000 people to interact with.
  • Subverted: Bob goes to a town, revealed to have a population of 1000, and 40 people appear, but then it turns out the rest were playing an elaborate prank on him.
  • Double Subverted: But then you find out many of them are visitors.
  • Parodied: A town claims to have 1000 residents, but only has 10... who attempt to disguise this via Paper Thin Disguises and various hats, running around pretending to be different individuals.
  • Zig-Zagged: Some towns have the appropriate number of people, some don't.
  • Averted: A town has a appropriate number of visible, interactive people based on its size.
  • Enforced:
    • "We can't afford to put in all these characters in the game! Only put in some of them."
    • "The system can't handle rendering so many characters at once, Only put in some of them."
  • Invoked: By town ordinance, only 40 people are allowed to greet visitors.
  • Exploited: Emperor Evulz takes over the town, defeating only the 40 people who appear, and then brags about defeating a town of 1000.
  • Defied: By town ordinance, everyone has to greet visitors.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???
  • Deconstructed: Everyone else in the town is an evil monster. The 40 people visible are bait.
  • Reconstructed: When the hero slains the monsters and liberates the town, the word spreads and more people begins to move to the town.
  • Played for Drama: The town's economy has crashed, and everyone left. They lie about the number of people in their town to make themselves feel better.
  • Played for Horror: The town was attacked not too long ago and the few people seen around are the survivors.

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