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Playing With / Then Let Me Be Evil

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Basic Trope: Being treated as though you were evil makes you evil.

  • Straight: Alice is treated like a thief, so she steals money.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Alice is treated like a mass murderer, so she kills millions of people.
    • Alice is treated like a thief, so she becomes an Omnicidal Maniac.
    • Alice is treated poorly or disliked by the society to the point of becoming a scapegoat all because of one heroic deed gone sour, so she becomes a Complete Monster at worst, discarding any tragedy she had in the past and rendering all excuses for her wrongdoings moot.
  • Downplayed:
  • Justified:
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted:
    • Alice is treated as a mass murderer - and seems to be one, except she isn't; everyone she killed, she did so reluctantly in self-defense after trying to defuse the situation several times.
    • Alice is treated like a mass murderer, although she isn't. Eventually she seem to snap and goes on rampage...except it's just an act to scare people.
    • Alice kills half of the men in the town after being treated like a monster for being a witch. However it wasn't over mistreatment of herself but that they were about to burn another witch. Her code of honor calls for rescuing fellow witches by any means necessary.
  • Double Subverted: Until Bob is killed because of them which causes her to go on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge on society.
  • Parodied:
    Alice: C'mon guys, treat me like a bad guy so I can use it as justification to be a bad guy!
    Bob: Um, why?
    Alice: Screw you, now I'm evil!
  • Zig-Zagged:
  • Averted:
  • Enforced: The writer is in need of a new villain, so she figures that the heroes would treat her like one so that she can become one.
  • Lampshaded:
  • Invoked:
  • Exploited:
    • Alice wants others to treat her as a bad guy so she can join Emperor Evulz' empire just to defeat her from within.
    • Knowing that Alice felt she was driven to evil, Claire mentioned her own abuse in order to convince her otherwise.
  • Defied:
  • Discussed: "Alice, you realize that by choosing evil, you're basically proving everything those people believed of you to be correct?"
  • Conversed: "This is surely creative how the writers establish a villain - Have her being treated like one."
  • Implied: When Alice was still a sidekick her mentor could clearly be seen struggling with annoyance, and none of the other heroes thought more of her than as an "annoying brat". Yet given how frequently she was kidnapped and the tortures she was put through, one can only guess what ultimately pushed her over the edge.
  • Deconstructed:
    • Alice is so driven into evil that she forgets her motivations for why she commits evil, leading her way beyond the Moral Event Horizon. With all of her sympathizers turning on her, Alice's reasons for being evil are no longer excused.
    • Alice is the sort of person who doesn't take well to having to harm other people, but they're certainly not letting her be nice to them and doing evil is essentially the only option she has left, whether she really likes it or not. She alternates between well-justified anger at the people pushing her down and extreme guilt for pushing back, which takes a huge toll on her mental health and leaves her a paranoid, temperamental wreck.
    • The heroes have no sympathy for Alice, reasoning that she is a grown adult capable of making her own choices. The heroes also point out that it is cowardly of Alice to try and blame all of society for her own self-inflicted problems.
    • Alice eventually realizes her mistake and regrets the path she chose. She will genuinely make up for the wrongdoings she has caused.
    • When it is publicly revealed that Alice was forced to turn to evil because the "heroes" treated her like crap and left her no other option, the public loses all faith in the heroes.
  • Reconstructed:
    • But since there's no turning back, she embraces this life of evil and couldn't care less if she was stopped as long as she gets the pleasure in committing evil.
    • In a Evil Versus Evil setting / Crapsack World, Alice was turned into a monster by hypocrites who aren't much better than what she became, and her evil retaliation is a well-deserved punishment which needed to be done.
    • The heroes are half-right: Alice is indeed ultimately responsible for her own actions, and she absolutely has used their consistently poor treatment of her as carte blanche justification for multiple truly heinous acts. However, they themselves have done their fair share of horrible things to her that they used her villainy to justify, and seeing the heroes face zero accountability for their own bad acts was a major catalyst for her embracing of villainy.
    • However, society despises her more than ever, and this makes Alice's quest for redemption a failure. She either goes back to prison or she plots to destroy humanity.
    • However, Alice still isn't off the hook, as she has done plenty of irredeemable things that cannot be justified or whitewashed by anything the heroes have done to her.
  • Played For Laughs: Just because Alice's evil now doesn't mean she's good at it. The worst she can bring herself to do is Poke the Poodle while laughing evilly.
  • Played For Drama:
  • Plotted A Good Waste: Alice being pushed into villainy feeds into themes about prejudice, since the audience is meant to get the impression that she wouldn't be evil if people treated her fairly.

Back to Then Let Me Be Evil, it's what the world wanted isn't it?
