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Playing With / The Minion Master

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Basic Trope: A character who creates mooks to do their fighting.

  • Straight: Sam the Shaman can summon hordes of malicious imps to Zerg Rush his enemies.
  • Exaggerated: Sam can summon literal millions of imps that can overwhelm any foe.
  • Downplayed: Sam can summon a few imps to sabotage the enemy, but not nearly enough for actual fighting.
  • Justified: The King of Imps has pledged his loyalty to Sam after he saved his kingdom.
  • Inverted:
    • The imps can summon Sam whenever he's needed.
    • Alternatively, Sam has the power to teleport imps away to faraway places.
    • Alternatively, everyone can summon imps except for Sam.
  • Subverted: Sam summons imps to fight for him. Turns out just by summoning them, he didn't make them his servants. They are very grumpy about getting spirited away to a battlefield in the middle of their daily lives, and promptly attack Sam.
  • Double Subverted: Sam breaks into a Rousing Speech that convinces the imps that his cause is important and they side with him in the battle.
  • Parodied: Sam summons his imp army, and they start complaining about how underpaid they are. Sam ends up spending hours trying to reason with the imps (who have gone on a strike), who refuse to do battle for him until he raises their salaries.
  • Zig Zagged: Sometimes Sam summons his imps to fight, but occasionally he runs out of magic so he'll just kick his enemies' asses with an ordinary sword.
  • Averted: Sam has no magical powers.
  • Enforced: The company producing the show decides that Sam must have summoning powers so they can sell various action figures of the imps.
  • Lampshaded: "I know you're bossy, Sam, but this is ridiculous!"
  • Invoked: Sam goes out of his way to put as many races in his debt as possible, hoping to increase the number of creatures willing to act as summons.
  • Exploited When he has no enemies to fight, Sam summons his imps to do housework.
  • Defied:note  Sam refuses the Imp King's offer because he knows he doesn't have good leader skills, and settles for a treasure chest as reward instead.
  • Discussed: "These guys do whatever I make them! Isn't that useful?
  • Conversed: "Sam always sends his imps into battles. Man, he must be the worst boss ever."
  • Implied: Sam always travels accompanied by many imps. Those enemies who already know him ignore the imps, and go straight for Sam.
  • Deconstructed: Sam's imps are shown dying en masse on the battlefield. His brutal disregard of their lives sends him over the Moral Event Horizon.
  • Reconstructed:
  • Played For Laughs: Nobody can take Sam's mighty summoning powers seriously because his imps look so ridiculous.
  • Played For Drama: Sam ends up making the imp population plummet to near-extinction, and the imps start to distrust him because of how he's going to end them all.

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