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Playing With / The Cassandra

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Basic Trope: A character knows the future. It could be pretty useful, but no one believes them.

  • Straight: Cassie knows the future, and has discovered how Claire plans to dump Bob and feed the bad guy with him. She also knows that Alice will be his one true love. Too bad, Bob just won't believe what she tells the heroes, and they all side with him.
  • Exaggerated: Cassie has been right on all her predictions lately, discovering Emperor Evulz's plan, what the Dragon wanted to take when he broke into the Hero's lair, and even guessing the place where Bob's socks were hidden, but Bob refuses to believe her.
  • Downplayed: Cassie's predictions are accurate, and no one believes them, but they only relate to insignificant things (whether Claire will buy red or blue plastic cups) and ignoring them carries no consequence.
  • Justified:
  • Inverted: Cassie is stupid/incompetent/cruel, but the Hero Team always believe her.
  • Subverted:
    • Cassie knows all this because she is working with the Big Bad and she just gives some useful information amongst a lot of traps, and Bob is the Only Sane Man.
    • Cassie has just guessed right.
    • Charlie, whom the viewer knows is probably the Messiah and a Hero, declared that his followers should not trust Alice and Cassie, and uncovers their Dark and Troubled Past...
    • For once, Bob believes her—
  • Double Subverted:
    • ...until Cassie Becomes the Mask and Bob proves to just have difficulties to get past the time she rejected his offer of a date.
    • ...because of her great intuitive capacities.
    • ...but Charlie revealed to have his own problems and Double Standard opinions.
    • ...but a Prophecy Twist makes Cassie's prediction seem to be wrong this time.
  • Parodied: Cassie is always great. She descends from the great Cassandra. She has always been right so far. She is the Only Sane Man. She has been genetically engineered to see things to come and be very clever. But Bob doesn't want to believe her because she can't guess his coffee cup's temperature.
  • Zig Zagged: ???
  • Averted:
    • Everyone believes Cassie.
    • Cassie doesn't know the future and isn't trusted less.
  • Enforced: "If people believed Cassie, the Heroes would always win. Let's make people have problems to trust her!"
  • Lampshaded: ???
  • Invoked: Cassie decides to inform everyone after she witnesses an evil act by Emperor Evulz.
  • Exploited: Cassie knows nobody will believe her. So through reverse psychology or use of her future knowledge she ends up getting incredibly wealthy first. While they may not believe her she can still hire plenty of people willing to humor her "crazy ideas".
  • Defied: Cassie never bothers to tell anyone why and carries out all of her plans on her own and looks to others like a terrifyingly effective plotter who has eyes and ears everywhere that nobody has ever discovered.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???
  • Deconstructed:
    • Cassie has so much difficulty getting believed that she is not effective, and gets depressed.
    • Cassie is surrounded by mean people that will not trust her, and all her efforts backfire.
    • Alternatively, it is really fine that no one believes her, because if someone believed her, someone would know things humans are not supposed (except for prophets) to know.
    • All her prophecies are self-fulfilling...
    • After being mocked over and over, Cassie eventually gets fed up and moves somewhere else since no one will listen to her. All of her predictions come true, and the people who doubted her suffer as a result.
  • Reconstructed:
    • Cassie learns to improve her social skills, and she becomes a. Hyper-Competent Sidekick, who is... often believed.
    • Cassie at last finds people that trust her... most of the time.
    • But humans simply need to acquire a new level of consciousness, and then it would be fine if Cassie was believed.
    • ... up to one point.

You, the hero ! You could discover some useful information on this page, read it! Oh, I see that you won't believe me and will quickly choose to resume reading useless articles on the internet about why Nice Guys Finish Last... I could tell you it is wrong, but you wouldn't believe me, anyway. It's okay, return to The Cassandra.
