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Playing With / Scenery Censor

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Basic Trope: A naked character's naughty bits (or other things that aren't allowed to be shown in the work) are covered by scenery.

  • Straight: David is naked, but a shrub is covering his crotch.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Something really large and gigantic covers David's whole body.
    • Everyone is naked and they always have something covering up the more questionable parts of their anatomy in spite of how much they're moving around.
  • Downplayed:
    • David's wearing underwear, which is barely hidden by the scenery.
    • Alice's genitalia is covered up by shrubbery, but her breasts remain exposed.
    • Something is covering David, but it's a small object and isn't really doing a good job.
    • The Never Bareheaded David isn't naked, but has simply lost his hat and has the scenery obscuring the top of his head until he gets his hat back.
  • Justified: David planned it.
  • Inverted: Everything but David's crotch is covered by something.
  • Subverted:
    • The scenery moves, exposing David.
    • David is standing behind some bushes in such a way that suggests he's nude and is trying to cover himself up with them, but it turns out he's wearing clothes.
  • Double Subverted:
    • Something else comes to block the view.
    • David loses his clothes and then the shrubbery starts obscuring his private parts.
  • Parodied:
    • "Uh oh, I'm naked! Hey, I can use this thing to cover my no-no zone!"
    • The character's naughty bits are hidden by objects that happen to resemble what they're covering.
  • Zig Zagged: Some scenes have David's privates covered up by the scenery and some scenes leave his genitals uncovered.
  • Averted:
    • David's nudity is never censored.
    • No one is seen naked.
    • Censorship of nudity does not rely on having the naked characters conveniently standing behind something.
  • Enforced:
    • "We need to have a scene for the sake of Fanservice/comedy, but this show airs before the Watershed... I know, let's have something cover him up!"
    • The work is intended to be viewed by children. Censoring nudity with the scenery would therefore be a necessity, should the plot require a character to be nude.
    • There isn't technically anything preventing the creators from showing nudity uncensored, but they feel it would be funnier to have everything covered up by conveniently located objects.
    • The actor playing the naked character isn't comfortable with appearing naked on-camera, and body doubles are out of the question, so the character's nudity is obscured by conveniently located objects as a compromise.
  • Lampshaded: "Wow, David's sure lucky that thing's covering his wiener."
  • Invoked:
  • Defied:
    • David deliberately moves in a position where the scenery can't cover his genitals.
    • Someone removes or pushes aside whatever is hiding David's nudity.
  • Discussed: "That's one way to censor yourself."
  • Conversed: "Why not just have a Censor Box over David's crotch?"
  • Implied: "Isn't that the shrub David covered himself with?"
  • Deconstructed: David hides behind the foliage because he's really uncomfortable about his body and has a crippling fear of being seen in his birthday suit.
  • Reconstructed: David allows the foliage to hide his nudity so that he can ease into feeling better about his body and getting over his fear of being seen naked.
  • Played For Laughs:
  • Played For Drama: The scenery doesn't just censor David's nudity for the sake of modesty, but also because he has unsightly scars on his private parts from a traumatic incident in his past.
  • Played for Horror:
    • David's privates are covered up by the body of someone killed by a Serial Killer.
    • It's not nudity that's being censored by objects, but grisly murder scenes.

Get back to Scenery Censor so that a conveniently placed tree can cover your shame.
