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Playing With / Relationship Reboot

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Basic Trope: Two characters reconcile by re-enacting a first meeting scenario.

  • Straight: Jack and Dave are bitter rivals and enemies, but independently decide to bury the hatchet and reintroduce themselves.
  • Exaggerated: Jack and Dave join forces to stage an incredibly over-the-top second first meeting, accounting for weather, location and witnesses and scheduled to the last second. It's all very theatrical.
  • Downplayed: The two instead decide to recreate a memory from when they were casual acquaintances, but after the first proper meeting.
  • Justified: Jack and Dave work for the same company, so it would do wonders for their psychological health to stop the potshots and sabotage.
  • Inverted: Jack and Dave are cool at first, but cannot believe how much of a jerk the other is underneath, so they decide to stage a second meeting so that they can 'start off' on the wrong foot.
  • Subverted: "Hello, I'm Jack, and I hate your guts." "The feeling's mutual."
  • Double Subverted: "However, I think I owe you a second chance." "Dave's the name. Nice to meet you."
  • Parodied: Jack and Dave have each prepared speeches in the event that a relationship reboot was ever required, twenty years in advance of the event, full of flowery language and penned with a cheesy nickname.
  • Zig Zagged: ???
  • Averted:
    • Jack and Dave were indifferent to eachother from the get-go.
    • Jack and Dave remain eachother's Sitcom Arch-Nemesis.
  • Enforced: The Volleying Insults are beginning to grate on the audience's nerves. However, the writer doesn't want to make them instant friends, either, so a golden mean is drawn.
  • Lampshaded: "So they did get their act together. Maybe they just woke up on the wrong side of the bed for ten years?"
  • Invoked: "Can I get a do-over on this relationship?"
  • Exploited: Their manager manipulated them into getting along so they would be more productive in the workplace.
  • Defied: "Screw this. You wronged me, and I'm not going to forget."
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: "I was not aware that people could re-roll their relationships. Is there a special feat you have to get?"
  • Deconstructed: Their amicability crashes and burns a second time, leaving both parties cynical toward the possibility of any kind of non-hostile interaction.
  • Reconstructed: With their issues clearly highlighted, Jack and Dave work to improve themselves as people, and eventually, they strike up a lasting friendship.

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