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Playing With / Mix-and-Match Critters

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Basic trope: An animal has the combined physical appearance of two or more species.

  • Straight: The Troper resembles an otter with bat wings, a snake's tongue and venom-injecting fangs.
  • Exaggerated: The Troper has an otter's body, the forelegs of a canine, the rear legs of a horse, rabbit ears, a beak, a tongue that's forked and raspy, a rat's tail, a spider's legs, a hagfish's skin, a pouch, an udder, gills, tentacles, antennae, four eyes, (two of which are on stalks) the wings of a wasp, a whale's tail flukes, and a fly's mouthparts. She breathes a smelly gas, secretes tons of thick mucus from her body in in risky situations, sprays blood from her own ambulatory arteries, lays eggs in vast quantities almost like a frog, is hermaphroditic, and can fly.
  • Downplayed: A hybrid snake, like a "wall python" (woma/ball python); she has traits of both species, but not of anything that's not a snake.
  • Justified:
    • The character is from another planet where otterlike creatures have the aforementioned bat-like traits.
    • The character is a common fictional mashup, such as a gryphon or jackalope.
    • A hybrid that's possible in Real Life, such as a liger or goat/sheep hybrid.
    • The creature is a genetically engineered hybrid.
  • Inverted: All-otter on a planet where everyone else is a mix-and-match critter.
  • Subverted:
    • The wings, tongue, and fangs are part of a disguise...
    • The description of the Troper as a hybrid is hyperbole, and the animal's traits only superficially resemble them and are otherwie distinct.
  • Double Subverted: ...which conceals a much more elaborate chimera.
  • Parodied:
    • The character contains so many composite, mismatched animal character traits that she looks like a gargled mess (for instance, one leg is a tentacle, one leg is a duck's foot, there are too many eyeballs in one socket, her tongue somehow has a mouth of its own, one leg ends in a hoof and one leg is a human's). Basically, like exaggerated, only more random and with more Body Horror.
    • Alternatively, everything that's living on this planet is a bizarre hybrid, even the plants and technology.
    • The hybrid also has a mix and match name that is a Punny Name.
    • It is revealed that a mermaid was born when a woman slept with a fish.
    • The jeneflappen is a duck... with the body of a different duck.
  • Zig Zagged:
    • The parents are an otter and a bat. She has three other siblings: a normal otter, a normal bat, and a bat with webbed toes, whiskers, and a long, thick tail. The bat with otter traits marries a kangaroo, and they have a kangaroo-bat child and an otter child.
    • The character lives in a world where both this trope and normal animals coexist.
  • Averted: The Troper is a completely normal otter.
  • Enforced:
    • The writer was told to make all of the characters composites of at least two animals.
    • The writer wants to make a Shout-Out to The Wuzzles, Spliced or any other work with mix-and-match critters.
  • Lampshaded: "It's like I'm half-bat or something."
  • Invoked: The character undergoes surgery to attach the aforementioned bat traits.
  • Exploited: ???
  • Defied: A scientist tries to get a bat and an otter to breed but doesn't consider the experiment a success until the offspring are "normal" animals.
  • Discussed: "Apparently, the Troper's parents are an otter and a bat."
  • Conversed: "You gotta love science. We can mix any two animals together now."
  • Deconstructed:
    • Finding that she is the last wild bat-otter, scientists capture the character and closely analyze her to discover how she became that way.
    • The biological functions fail horrendously, and she dies a slow, agonizing death.
  • Reconstructed: Over time, they successfully get her to breed with both bats and otters and thus save bat-otters from extinction.

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